It's 2:30 and before I went to bed I wanted to say a very special thank you to all of you that came to the Chicago show! It was incredible and I really do feel like Chicago is a 2nd home to me! So many dear friends here and thank you all so much for coming out tonight.
It was jam packed and thanks for squeezing in! I also wanted to apologize if I felt a bit disconnected. There were two people in the front that talked quite loudly and completely through the 4 hour show and I just kept losing my train of thought so I apologize if they were a distraction to you or if I seemed distracted at all. I know you all sacrificed your evening to be here and I hope you were able to take home something valuable!
Lastly, a big shout out to Kenny Kim for all his help making Chicago the biggest show! Kenny has blown me away with his generosity and friendship and I really can't tell you how blessed I am to have him in my life. He's doing wonderful things to unite the photo community and so if you ever have the chance to meet him don't miss it! ...and another big thanks to Kenny and Bob Davis who snapped pictures tonight. These guys are wizards with lighting and if you ever have the chance to learn from Bob jump on it! He did a workshop in Paris that I was at and everything I know about lighting and flash manipulation came from that.
Off to bed! :)
Oh! Look at that....0 COMMENTS!
Ok my 5 minutes is up.
DJ, thanks for all the great information you gave us last night! WE were in the front row and were so riveted we were speechless, so whoever was talking didn't phase us. You rocked it out in Chicago! Although we were pretty bummed that there were no shootsac giveaways as advertised. :( We were REALLY stoked about that!
Bob is THE lighting king. Seriously.
Man, with all the video wrap-ups Paul is doing, I sure hope you're gonna turn this tour into a DVD!!! :-)
DJ, the information you gave out last night was priceless! You really have my wheels turning! I think I will try the slideshow at my wedding this weekend! Thanks for a great time!
P.S. I bet we looked silly taking pictures outside of your bus in the morning! What a blast!
Hi David,
Thanks for coming to Chicago!
I forgot to ask this question after your talk on pricing: What is your policy on payments? Do you make the couple pay for everything up front?
And did I hear you right when you said you give the couple their pictures within 20 minutes after the reception?
And how is Chicago your 2nd home? It seems like you've been everywhere.
Take care,
All I can say is WOW!! I drove 4 hours from MI and then drove back last night just to see you and Jasmine and it was TOTALLY worth it!! I am just starting out and this is what I needed at the right time(A Godsend)I am blessed to be doing exactly what I love and this info will help me start things out on the right foot! I returned home to find my new logo samples waiting and now realize I need to give my graphic designer more info about WHO I AM(Great-now I have to figure that out!ha)
One question-I know you are so busy-I couldn't stick around last night-I live in a small community and as you probably know MI has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation! I feel guilty charging higher pricing when I know they can't afford me and afraid of starving waiting for the ones who can. Any advice?
THANK YOU for your time, inspiration and generosity!! You are truly amazing!
(Super excited to see myself in the second row-black shirt with the blond pony-tail!:) )
God Bless!!
Kelly Braman
Hey David, I never received the e.mail with the promo codes you said you were going to send out for the show attendees. I'm wanting to sign up for showit sites, but figured I'd wait for the discount. Thanks man.
Thank you for sharing all your thoughts and ideas. It was well worth the drive from Wisconsin. I wish you continued success and blessings in business and personally.....you are a great human being.
You and Jasmine were such a wealth of information!! Thank you so much for sharing with all of us and being so warm and welcoming...
Didn't notice the "distractors" on the front row for the most part- thought your presentation was very effective!
I do have to agree with Christi though- my friend and I were SO PUMPED to win a Shootsac...or something! =( It was our only hope for ever owning one. LOL!
See you tomorrow night in Indy!
Thank you DJ for such an inspirational seminar! You were fabulous! I loved getting to know your personality and absorbing so much great advise for this crazy business we are in! Our 8 hr drive was well worth it!
DJ I'm just a testimony of what you've done for this industry - just trying to give what I received. :)
Can't wait for DC! Talk about taking the Freedom tour to another level!
DJ you are so kind with all the information you shared! Thank you for everything and for this awesome seminar!! You Rock!! Is true Bob Davis is amazing and I learned so much from him :)
Thank you so much for everything you shared, I feel like I attended an entire college course on the business of photography in just 4 hours!! I was sitting in the front row and although I did not talk during your presentation, I did laugh my butt off when you put up your sample site and I could read the text, it was freaking hilarious!! I truly apologize if I distracted you with my giddy behavior at that point in the evening. Your presentation was flawless, fun, informative and engaging. Thanks again for all you do for the industry.
Karrn Middleman-Frost
I must chime in here, and I'm not even a photographer, but I knew the things you'd be teaching would help me a lot. I was not disappointed, I came away with 4 pages of notes, things that I'm looking forward to putting to work in our ministry.
You and Jasmine* were great!
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