I seriously fall in love with this place more and more every time I come here! Last night's show was incredible and it was so fun having Becker here! Becker was a riot and gave so much great info. I don't think I'd ever heard him speak before and he is so good! So real and so fun! He gave a sneak peak of the B-School which will be THE place to hangout on the web for us photographers and I'm so excited to have one place to go. It's sweet!
I should also mention that after the show finished at 10:30 last night I felt like it should've

Also Be sure to checkout Ron Dawson's second F-Stop beyond interview below. This one deals a lot more with my personal life, my faith, my relationships. Ron does an incredible job so check it out!
Niiiice. Ron is the man! Part 3 is up too?! Sweeet. :-)
Stinkin hilarious!!! Just watched the third part. You guys had me rolling. Dude, can I say this publicly (since you won't respond to emails anymore! ;-) ) I could tell when we met up at the room in NY that you were wanting some quiet time but with Denis telling us that B&H wasn't open and I was sans laptop (and felt like a dupe because of it), you graciously agreed to hit the streets. I can sum up THE man in just two words: Gracious and Giving. These vids are fantastic. Uber-continued blessings to you my friend.
ah so awesome! God has been teaching me more to give also! thanks for speaking at SF!
Gotta LOVE Colorado! :-)
Man DJ utah got no love...what gives! Not a single post about the stinky hotel room or nothing....and we got no showit prizes or nothing...no love DJ.
It's cool thought because the evening still rocked...you are the man!
Utah post and video coming :) Internet hasn't been good.
I loved hearing about your faith and how you're not ashamed of your relationship with Christ. Its really inspiring, thanks for sharing :)
DJ...what an amazing interview. as always, you blow me away with your willness to share. share information and share of yourself. YOU INSPIRE me to be a better PERSON!!! May God continue to bless you & your business.
DJ - The Denver stop was amazing. I've never shot a wedding, or any type of shooting for work for that matter, but I wanted to be there to learn as much as possible. It was awesome getting to hear about how things work and meet other photographers in my area that already are successful. Thanks for the inspiration, and I can't wait to actually get to start putting some of the techniques to good use. Thanks, Jason
David, you are so cool. I love watching the videos of your interview and hearing you talk about your passions. And I loved what you said about your relationship with Ally (sp?). I know that we all have our struggles but I just want you to know that you give Godly men a great name!!!! Thank you for being so open about your desires for purity. Love you friend! Can't wait to see you so soon!!!
Loved your show in Denver. Even though I bought a "template" wedding site a few weeks ago - my new Showit site will launch at the same time. I guess I can always turn the template site into my fine art site at some point. :-)
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