The Utah show was great and the people there are so wonderful. I gave them a hard time for not interacting that much (and groups under 50 are usually that way) so I told them to drink some coffee at the break but then I remembered that many people in Salt Lake are Mormon and so they don't drink coffee and I felt bad....but they were more lively during the marketing section which is more fun for me too.
Now we are in Denver and I'm not sure if everyone got the updates about our location but I hope so. On one of the websites promoting the tour we still had the old location but we updated it a few days ago and emailed everyone to let them know so I hope it turns out.
I just got done walking around this beautiful park behind the hotel and then I did 50 pushups. I haven't been keeping to my strict workout routine on the tour because I don't have my workout socks but I feel good after my walk and pushups.
I took this pretty picture on my iPhone while I was out on my walk.
Hey david thanks for following up on the show it sites for me. Tomorrow me and Mr. Barlow are going to do a set up by phone and im sure we will figure out are problem , and resolve the issue he has been great so far. When I do build my Showitsite you will have no choice but to put me on the featured sites link! I got my blog too! its http://ressullsalvi.blogspot.com which will also be my color scheme for my new web site!
Keep on truckin!
Russell silva
hmmm...i'm not sure if i believe that you really worked out. i mean, we've been on the bus for almost two weeks together and not ONCE did you even think about breaking a sweat. apparently, you didn't have the right socks. riiiight. :)
glad to hear the 50 push-ups made your day! :)
Oh no Jazzy, I can totally vouch for him here. When you and I and Christie went to workout at the gym in Monterey, I invited him to join us. He definitely *thought* about it before he said no!
I could be salty for letting his workout shoes take up half my suitcase on the train to San Diego...
But baby, if you want special socks, just say the word and I'll bring those too :)
Great job on the pushies! Your picture reminds me of that sunflower one that you like so much.
I love you! xoxo
So, I laughed incredibly hard at the Utah post. Anyways, I know this question has NOTHING to do with Utah, but it does have to do with the Free To Succeed Tour. I went to the LA seminar (holla!!) and then left for vacation but never got my question answered. On the Free to Succeed Tour site it said you'd be giving away shootsacs. I was planning on doing anything possible to win one. :) Did I miss out on something???
Hey DJ- Its your crazy new friend from Utah :) WOW,I left the show so pumped and motivated I could hardly contain myself on the drive home or even sleep last night. You had some awesome words of wisdom and thank you for sharing them with us. You are an amazing person and I feel honored to have met you and I hope our paths will cross again in the future. I can truely say I left the show a better person, a better business women and hopefully a better photographer.
And for all you readers out there, if you have ther chance to catch the tour... DO IT!!! It is soooo worth it.
Tell Shyla "HEY" for me!!!
Be safe in all your travels and keep liven FREE- you guys rock!!!
Brittney Hale
You take better pics with your iPhone than I do with my Nikon. What's up with that?
i've got my business socks on cuz it's biznass time!
I did two pull ups last week. That's a big deal, you know.
Hmmm...I guess you could do worse...you could go to a Baptist convention and tell everyone you'll meet 'em at happy hour afterwards... ;)
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