I've been avoiding email and the phone for the past week and spending a lot of time just wrapping up stuff around here. Getting prepped for next year which will be another great year! I've also been going back through some of the books I read over the past couple of years and finding my favorite quotes and here's one that I just heard in a speech too.
"The only difference between who you are today and the person you will be in five years will come from the books you read and the people you associate with." - Charles Jones
Just another friendly reminder to read books! Get smart yo!
we just read "naked conversations" (which we don't know who recommended it) but found it pretty amazing how the world of business is changing. any other cool books? we have read most of the ones you have referred... btw, seth godin rocks!!!
Yes - DJ make a list! I thought they might make cool gifts for a couple of friends. I'd personally love to find out which one's are available at audible.com too -- my eyes are pooped at the end of the day :)
Hey David,
Hope you are having a great rest. And you know what, I totally agree.
if you get a chance, read these books. It will totally change your life and leave you falling more in love with Jesus.
Kissing the Leper
Fear no Evil
Rivers from Eden
- these are by Brad jersak
All marketers are Liars
- Seth Godin
And if you are a dreamer while you sleep.....
If this were a dream
- by Murray Dueck
Enjoy your season. I know the Lord is very jealous of you. which is why he has placed you in a season of hiddeness. what is on the other side always comes a season of manifestation. go to love those season.
there is a book on that called:
Hiddenness and Manifestation.
- by Graham Cooke
He has many little interactive journals that are all great and expond and expand on the heart of the Lord for us.
Blessings and take care.
Rockie Lee from Vancouver Canada
PS. Hey check out my "myspace" site guys, Let me know what you think.
(I am the associate at this studio)
Just finished "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Books Rock!
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