I had a chance to meet the original "LaCour" (Rachel) :) in New York and then spend some more time with the crew in Atlanta. This is a phenominal group of four photographers who are leading this next generation of wedding photographers and the reason they're leading is because they're asking the right questions and reading the right books!

... and on their blog they talk about the role that the E-Myth played in their business. The E-myth is a brilliant book that I think Dane Sanders probably gave to me.
Click here to read their blog post.
I'm reading the E Myth right now thanks to you're recommending it during your webinar...it's really good so far. :)
Alyssa that's great! You're already ahead of the game. I so wish I had read that book a long time ago. Most people will never read it and I think it's a key book to understanding how to create "a business that serves you."
I just read the LaCour post as well. I must say my reading list is growing exponentially by the day now!! To keep track of all the recommendations, I started a reading list on Amazon. What else do you think I should add? Here's the link... OpenSourcePhoto Reading List.
LaCour is amazing. Wonderful at photography and at business. More importantly they are amazing people. So genuine and a blast to be around.
We bought the E Myth yesterday!
I have on my reading list some of those and also:
- anything by Susan Jeffers, particularly "Feel the Fear and do it anyway"
- Millionaire Mind by t. Harv Eker
- anything by Louise Hay, but particularly "you can heal your life" - I've read it, amazing stuff if you're open to it.
- anything in the Rich Dad line up
- The China Study - is about eating and food, I haven't read it yet but my friends that have said it will change the way you look at what we as our society eats and why we have so much disease.
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