Having a broken leg has it's perks. Sarah got a full body massage right there at the security checkpoint (see how relaxed she looks) and then had a nice lady wheel her right to the gate...but because we checked in late her bag didn't make it on the plane. lol....it's ok though because I have a couple of extra outfits I can loan her.

Anyway the last time I was here I stayed by the airport so this time I wanted to stay downtown and it's pretty nice and my room has a nice view of the sunset and I think Sarah's room does too. The people here are so sweet and I'm just meeting up with my friend Max Hsu about music stuff and then heading to Chattanooga tomorrow for OSP-South! Yea!
wow. LOL...
Um..I don't look very excited there...the massage definitely wasn't worth what I paid for...haha!
hehe! Wow!! Sarah good thing you didnt check your laptop!:)
hehe! Have fun!!!
Um..yeah..if sarah had to borrow djs clothes she'd probably have to cut off like a foot of the pants!! LOL:)
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