I now have email and if you're wonderfing if I got your email notifying me that the store was down the answer is yes and thank you. :) I wish I could read and respond to all the emails but I'm so sorry I can't. There was over 300.

We will run the promotion again as soon as the store is ready and thanks again for all your help and support through this.
Here is a video of me making coffee this morning.
Coffee and friends cheer me up so it was fun to make coffee and then go to MySpace and see all the friend requests because the MySpace link was one of the only links in the email that worked. :)
Have a great day!
Dj - After watching your siceince experiment, You've got to get OSP BACK up
:) It's getting worked on.
it's up...for now.
ohhh! that reminds me I better prepare me one...
see ya'
hey if you turn your coffee around it makes a smiley face and you'll have one everyday that you make coffee =)
Wow.....I'll never get that 20 seconds of my life back.
:) Just kidding, DJ.
I saw the video and repeated to myself "I'm not going to watch DJ make coffee, I'm not going to watch DJ make coffee, I'm not going to watch DJ make coffee" as I clicked on the video...
Now I'm drinking coffee. Yummm.
DJ I need a science teacher for our homeschool. Are you available?
hey man, God didn't make Splenda, evil scientists in some big lab of a ginormous corporate campus did! Just kidding, but switch to the raw sugar, it's much better for both you and the planet, please? Pretty Please?
DJ, the reason that stuff floats on the top because its no good. Not even the coffee wants to mix with it!
Um, so is this how you keep yourself entertained when OSP is down ?
Mrs. Barlow! Yea! I have more science experiments for you tomorrow! Just watch!
tomorrow dj will be teaching all of us how to make a volcano with only cornstarch and vinegar.
I agree with Shyla, you seemed and bit impressed with the splenda thing. I think you've been inside quite long enough there bro! :)
Try this on for a science experiment.
All I can say is, you all have way too much time on your hands, LOL. Get back to work! :-)
DJ since we're making sweetener alternative suggestions I'll add my two cents. Try stevia. Not just any but the one made by Sunrider (www.sunrider.com) It is 100% natural, has no calories, doesn't rot your teeth and actually helps regulate blood sugar not raise it, so good for diabetics. It also helps eliminate afternoon drowsiness by giving you a steady flow of energy.
I've been using it for 6 weeks and I don't crave ANY sugar any more (another benefit) and have no tiredness in the afternoon. I love coffee but I actually don't "need" it any more.
check it out!
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