I'm going to spend time with a family who is near and dear to my soul. They've become mentors of mine over the past couple of years and I just want to learn better how they love people and invite others into their world.
I really don't know much about the "plan" for the trip which is fine with me but I have my camera and computer and if I can find a few spots with internet I'll post some pics on this facebook page.
We will be there during "Victory Days" which is crazy so look for some fun pictures from that once I get back!

Also, thanks for all your emails and prayer requests. What an awesome priveledge it is to be praying for you and I've already begun and can't wait to get on the plane to go through the rest. God is sooooo good. Remember that! He will get you through whatever it is you're going through.
Have a great trip and adventures DJ!
where in Russia?
I've been there 2 times myself and Love it! My family is actually heavily Ukranian and I hooked up with a distant cousin from there while I was in St. Petes!
Are you for real? I'm still amazed that you are praying for people...just not used to people who are willing to give..I hope you have a great trip!
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