The last week will certainly go down as one of the most difficult weeks in my life. I can't even list out all the things that have happened but it really shows truth to the old saying "when it rains it pours"
Boy oh boy is it pouring.
Those of you who know me have seen that I live kind of an extreme life. I'm an "ALL-IN" sorta person. The good side to that is that when I'm committed to something I won't let anything get in the way of a successful outcome. As Tony Robbins (and Jasmine) point out - there is no "TRY" you are either doing something or you are not. This year I have done many things and I have also not done some things. For each their is a reward to be reaped and a price to pay.
I've realized that I have some wonderful gifts and talents but also some massive shortcomings.
I don't know why I've been given this life or why I'm going through this time of pain leading to a lot of soul searching but what I do know is that there will be an end and at the end of it I will be better and more equipped than I am now.
As I mentioned a few months ago my life has a tendency to mirror itself after my names' sake and so I'll leave you with a quote from him.
"I entrust my spirit into your hand. Rescue me, Lord, for you are a faithful God."
hang in there bud. see you this week!
keep your head up DJ. God is good and remember... He will NEVER leave us! He is always there... lean on Him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, DJ.
1 I awaited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
PSALMS 40:1,2
Get your old U2 album out called "October" and listen to the song called "Rejoice"
Or watch this clip on youtube
Hang in there buddy. Your family will always be there for you and we are your OSP family.
Hey David,
Remember the vine & the branch.
I was talking to a friend over lunch last week and he reminded me of how sometimes we push through in our own strength. And we can certainly get some stuff done, at least things that we think are meaningful..., but remember what He said - apart from Me, you can do nothing. David, let go of what can't be changed and be free in your renewed surrender. Gal 5:1
Love you man.
David is the perfect example of that. But in the end God is always faithful and right.
Keep pushing on and blessing other people with your eyes looking towards heaven. He will never pile on more than we can handle, Job proved that.
or .... how about
"Those who sow in tears shall reap rejoicing."
~Psalm 126:5
It's the story of *my* life. :-)
When "god" doesn't sort things out for you, a team of kick ass lawyers will.
Tomorrow is a new day.
hang in there dear friend!!! ;-)
I can already see one good thing that has come out of the difficulties you are experiencing:
the encouragement of friends. and the encouragement your blog readers get from reading your friends' encouraging words.
press on!
Hope things work out for you man. I might be in SB at the tail end of October - maybe you're around?
I saw this today...I guess it's for you..
I know the plan I have set in place for you....G-d
It's for me too, but I'll share, totally moving and leaving my dearest best friend and daughter not fun. Still can't watch sad movies!
Hey Deeje. I'll be praying for whatever it is you're going through. Hang in there!
And remember that this is just God's way of molding and shaping you even though it's not fun I'm sure you'll look back and see the lesson in it all. You're a wise one like that, David :)
sending you BIG HUGS across the miles...and hopefully I'll get to see you in person in a couple of days and give you a real one! hang in there my friend, there are so many people who love you!
I saw a quote this week...
that doubt leads us to wisdom.
Painful times show us the way into teachings and lessons, and an even wider perspective, understanding and wisdom of spirit.
deepest blessings to your journey,
Since 7th grade, my life verse is, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13. Life really sucks sometimes, but the promise was that He will be there to help us... not that we wouldn't go through hard times. I think Satan is going to throw at us whatever he thinks will cause us to fall, and if we have God on our side, whatever fall we took will only be turned into something for God's glory. Try as he will, Satan is an idiot.
As long as you are a Christian, he'll be out to get you. So what can we do? Just depend on God more, and we can do anything.
Also, Jennifer mentioned music! Listening to the 1st track on BarlowGirl's newest CD helped me a couple weeks ago when I was having a rough day.
Anything that doesnt kill you makes you stronger .... it may of course leave the odd scar in the process though!
.. but scars fade over time :-)
Praying for you DJ!
Yeah...let me know if you feel like you are in the same boat a little earlier.
Last week (Wednesday afternoon) I managed to have a seizure and stroke in Office Depot...oh, while talking to my daughter...
If you can just let me know, in advance, I can prepare better and just hide under my desk. Take care and God Bless DJ!
My husband and I are in the book of Joshua and we read this chapter this morning. I hope it comforts you as it did me.
Joshua 10
24 So it was, when they brought out those kings to Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said to the captains of the men of war who went with him, “Come near, put your feet on the necks of these kings.” And they drew near and put their feet on their necks. 25 Then Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage, for thus the LORD will do to all your enemies against whom you fight.”
HE is there for you.
Nothing I can add to the awesomeness everyone has written except to say thank *you* for posting up that verse. That was food for my soul today. :-)
You are in our prayers! Keep your head up.
Hang on DJ. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Take a night off. Rent a movie and order take-out. Do this with Alli. That always helps me... with Lindsay for me, I mean!
You're the man, Deej. I hope you feel better soon. Just remember in the midst of all this you have God, your relationships, and good health. Not to minimize what you're going through, but it's always nice to take a break from bad days by thinking about the great things in your life. Really hoping life clears up for you soon...
hey deej....I'm sure you know how much you are being prayed for all across the world...add me in that mix!! :) God is good...and whatever is going on with the stupid people in our industry, is for a reason. He has a plan! You are loved, and admired, and appreciated by so many! Don't let this incident get in the way of that realization, or your passion! :) I miss you! Hope all is well!
dj. look at it this way. our shortcomings are our talents and gift that havent fully reach maturation yet. keep your head high, and continue to do the amazing things you do, that make you DJ.
cheers // kent
I just have a question.
Why does it seem that so many wedding photographers are such hardcore bible thumpers?
Just an observation.
We all go through ups and downs, and someone else out there always has it just a little bit harder. But please take comfort in all the friends and family you have spread across this great big round ball. KNow that your Neo Earth is always flashing and somewhere someone is thinking and wishing the best for you. You have been an inspiration to so many. And no path we walk ever is going to be easy. There are bumps all along the way. No one expects you to be perfect, trust me, but you do the best you can do and that is all anyone can ask for. I have followed your work and your Blog life for sometime. I'm not anyone of fame, or fortune, I am one of those super cheap photographers, who just get by paying the bills, living paycheck to paycheck. But I love what I do, and yes ANDREAS I love GOD, and having people like you and Bobby and Lindsay as role models who have the same beliefs is encouraging. So as long winded as this is, I hope you truly see just how blessed you are, even in the mist of chaos, there is a plan and if anything it is humbling.
And Andreas, why is it you don't truly exist, and why does it bother you so that so many of us love our something tugging at your heart strings???
And maybe it's b/c we truly see God's beauty behind the lens....
After a difficult day I am thankful for the scripture. Life is tough but somehow we all get through our hard times. God is always there & I'm looking forward to hearing how he's working in your life & photography soon! Have a great trip to New York (I'm assuming your going to the Convention this week)
Andreas, maybe you should look at it as this... a lot of Christians are friends with other Christians. And, Christians happen to know a Bible verse here and there. Just an observation;)
... or, because wedding photographers change the world, and God wants us to be in that position...? ha:)
How can I help? :-)
Hi DJ. Keep your head up! This is actually a response to Andreas and wanting to know why so many wedding photographers are Bible thumpers. Well, it is because we believe in the sanctity of marriage. Without giving any other opinions or political jargon, that is it. Pure and simple!!!!
"Why does it seem that so many wedding photographers are such hardcore bible thumpers?"
My man Andreas, Christians 'thump' the Bible because He first 'thumped' us! If you don't get it, email me. :-)
I remember reading that Beethoven wrote his 5th symphony when he had almost fully lost his hearing. His pain, confusion, and search for truth ended up creating one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. It may not feel like it David, but you are writing your own masterpiece...even now.
Andreas, that is an interesting observation. The first thought that came to mind was that artists are often searching for truth through their art. I know that with every word I write, or through my images, I'm seeking to connect with a truth that transcends all the conufsion surrounding me. So I wonder if by default, you find people speaking up about their spirutality in artist circles. I'm almost wondering if it can't be avoided because an artist is trying to connect with the divine and make it real for humanity. But honestly, I don't know the answer to your question. Great observation though. These are just random thoughts off the top of my head.
xoxo, Me Ra
I thought about this more! It's a great question, Andreas. You know why else it seems like there are a ton of Christians who are photographers... because we have online forums, where people are very open about who they are. There are probably just as many Christians in other industries, but they are more "silent" because there aren't blogs or forums in, say, the auto mechanic or computer industry. There probably are forums, but they are all "business" but not necessarily about running their own small business-- which I think is the big difference. Running a business is so personal, and trying to make it survive is based on who we are as individuals, and the help we get from people, and the action we take... and having online forums to openly discuss the issues we are experiencing in not only our photography business life, but our personal lives (which, as we all know, often overlap), then people are more honest about what they are struggling with, what they believe, etc.
I think especially with OSP, it has created an open forum for talk amongst photographers who believe many things. While there are often arguments, I think having an open forum like that will help people to grow and create relationships (as long as everyone can be mature about it... which is always the struggle when certain issues come up). But we're all human, and have that in common, ha:)
Hi Dj
God does allow hard times, because He is more concerned about our character than our comfort. Take heart and know hard times , if we learn what we need to, only make us stronger and wiser. I know this is true , I have been there.
Keep you eye on the prize!
Sometimes thing suck DJ and you'll probably encounter people that will say to you..." I know what your going through..blah blah blah.." and that almost NEVER I'll say this... what you have been dealing with this whole week...month..year...really sucks. But your fit to handle it and I think you do a really great job. And you have a LOT of people that really look at you no matter how mucky things get/look. You have a lot to be proud of DJ and your job is hardcore in what Gods blessed you with and as cheese ball (and cliche)as it sounds, "this too shall pass" :)
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