A couple of days ago my friends Bobby and Lindsay Earle and Josh Newton (doesn't blog so no link love ;) cruised and hung out for the day. It was amazing. We just chilled and worked and slept and then had some good Thai food. It was one of those days that you wish wouldn't end. I love these guys because they are the nicest guys but also totally willing to stand up for what they believe is right.
We had some good "man time" outside exterminating a very dangerous spider that could harm babies and children so it had to go.
DJ, that is freakin' hilarious! After you shoot the spider, you have this primal "man" look on your face. You should have found it's carcass and barbqued it up, dude.
What kind of gun is that????
Who shoots a spider with a machine gun - hilarious!! I've gotta get one of those guns!
i've GOT to get one of those! the red laser light is killer!
Ok this was great! DJ you rock! This made me laugh so hard because I could totally see my friends doing this! We were all camping out in the woods in Florida and there were these freaky looking banana spiders all over the place(Google it you'll see what I mean!) So they, because they didn't have paintball guns, decided to burn them... little did we know they shriek this terrible noise when they die.... scary... this is much civil if you ask me! DJ you Rock spider killing and all!
dude... took you enough shots!
and seriously, spiders help the world, they eat bugs and keep the world moving...
just think of the spider (butterfly) effect you just had on the earth...
hahahaha... I'll adobt a spider for you ;-)
too much fun man. glad you got your big gun fixed
ugh. so barbaric
It's even funnier on video! Can't wait to do it again :)
dude. there. two in one day! hahah you and bobby both got me to blog... man i'm just going to have to do it all the time now! you guys are in my head all day saying "blog. blog. blog. blog." hahaha... much love bro, so good to see you this week!!
Wow. A few things: you took quite a few shots to hit the so-called 'huge' spider, (now perhaps this was a very mobile spider, hehe, perhaps it was faulty machinery; but my estimation is user error, despite sick laser sight advantages ;).) Then, it reminded me of the time when my father shot (an actual HUGE) spider with a dart in his airsoft. Apparently it was awesome.
Then I thought how red-neck our family is since we shot darts our dart board at Christmas time to decide who opened the first present. You gotta love a red-neck.
Thanks for the laughs.
Dude you have way too much fun with that thing, lol. Great shootin'!
Could DJ be the reason why the Bees are missing? But seriously, good to see you be a bit evil. I mean your so damn nice all the time. Haha Let me know if you ever want to go out and shoot the real thing. Josh Money
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