I just experienced my first earthquake and it was pretty cool. There have been a few while I lived here but I've never felt them b/c I've been driving or something... it was a 2.8 and my house was shaking like crazy for just like two seconds and then it stopped and I went back to sleep.
If there was a really big earthquake my car would probably fall and crush me in my sleep b/c my garage is right above me.
You can see on the map A is where the center of the earthquake was and B is my house.
I remember someone calling me "suspect" because you were never in SB, or at the house when we had one... And the garage thing... not safe!! What was the architect thinking? lol!
I totally felt that this morning... I thought I was just really tired because all of a sudden I bumped into the wall when I was walking. ... then I felt the rest of the shake... kinda fun. Glad you felt one... good luck with car, I think that the safest place for you would be under the wheel well... at least it's just rubber that would be hitting you.
I felt it to0... I thought a truck slammed into the side of my yurt.
Pretty cool!!!
crazy this is your first! you live in earthquake zone! im deathly afraid of quakes.
How can you sleep at night!? Scary! We only have to worry about tornadoes here.
Oh 2.8 is just a little one! However, if you have NEVER felt one, it can really feel like the BIG one. Try waking up to a 6.7 and having our bedroom door get stuck when you are trying to get to the doorway, because that is what they tell you to do. 1994 Northridge Quake. Well, now that you have experienced one, it is time for you to prepare your earthquake preparedness kit! LOL!
(like, perhaps wear a helmet to bed?)
I remember that 94 Northridge quake... DJ- I am surprised this was your first? are you originally from California-- I can't remember?
dude... I was SOUND asleep!!! hahahaha
I FINALLY felt one too! It's been like 8 years and finally! It felt really weird.
Santa Barbara hasn't had a big earthquake since 1978 and that was nothing! You are fine!
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