Saturday, March 15, 2008

WPPI Schedule

At this point this is my schedule. My asst Crystal knows that on any given day if I have more than one thing on my schedule it's a rough day so you can see that WPPI stretches me a bit. :) Also, Crystal tracked down my phone in London but I still don't have it so don't bother calling me or texting me.

Also, Crystal is really mean to me. When I first came home she said "How do you buy a purse and then lose your phone." ....but then she found it so I still love her despite the abuse.

My schedule usually goes even more nuts once I get there but I'd love to meet you if you're gonna be at the show so come say hi and my buddy Brett Austin will be there armed with a pretty insanely awesome sneak preview for Showit Sites so if you spot his sexy mug around the show ask him for a demo. I'll also be giving a demo (and maybe even a secret download link) during select presentations. :)

See you in Vegas!


Andres said...

Hey DJ, Looks like you will be super busy but I get in Monday so I hope to catch up sometime! Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Show It Sites demo looks really really good! Having fun exploring it!!

John Bach said...

Crystal sounds like a very mean person!

Darrell Duggan said...

I want to see showit sites...No, really, I want to see it!