Thursday, September 20, 2007

PPA Sacramento!

Sacramento has a fantastic PPA group and last night was great. Nathan Smith has done an incredible job making this a community of friends and it was so neat to go hangout until the wee ours of the morning and hear about how they're helping each other succeed.

I'm headed back home just to get repacked because I head out at 6am for some fun in Nashville! I really like Nashville!


Rodolfo Arpia said...

Would love to see the Showit Sites demo soon!
What a bunch of happy people!

Tim Halberg said...

that's one large/strong group of photogs!!!

Jen Stewart Photography said...

OH MAN, I KNEW I shouldn't have put off joining that group! I had no idea you were going to be up in Sacramento! I'm bummed Chris and I missed it :(

Anonymous said...

DJ it was great to see you again, I really enjoyed your talk and I hope to be able to sit one day with you and just chat. I added a brief of what happened last night at PPSV, take a look and feel free to leave a comment.

Much Love and Many Blessing.


Randolph Four said...

David- you mentioned something last night, (in sacramento)about "go hunting" to find people chatting about you online. I've done this with Google, but what was the other method you mentioned? I think it might have been another search engine, started with a T?
Thanks so much!

Rodolfo Arpia said...

Randolph Four... the other one is

The Memory Journalists said...

Hey DJ - It was awesome to finally meet you! I'm so glad (album) Amy encouraged me to seek you out last night to chat. Super cool that you had the same book in your bag that I'm reading now too - instant kinship. And because of you, I added a pic to my blog profile - never purposely left it off just forgot to add one when I set it up. Enjoy Nashville!

Krystal Mann :: Mint & Sage said...

good thing....nashville likes you!

Gustavo said...

Loved the presentation and it was finally nice to meet you in person after having experienced "DJ" via the blogosphere & Freedonm Club. Looking forward to applying your recommendations when i get my site and blog up soon. Thanks again for coming to Sac.

kennykimdotcom said...

DJ you stud you. Have fun in Nashville. ;-)

Todd & Barbara said...

You were great at PPSV, David. We already have our first showitweb slideshow! such fun! you are very inspiring. Thank you.