Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Chair :)

So when I came home from Nashville I was so stoked because my new chair had come in and Crystal had already set it up! How awesome is that. I'm going to order a pretty cool bed today because I'm still sleeping on a $50 aero bed. lol. I'm a nice employer because I left my king sized tempurpedic bed for Crystal to use in the apartment.

So right now I'm sitting in this chair* waiting for the painters to come. As soon as they finish painting I'll be able to move the chair down to the Library. That's going to be my favorite room I think and I'll be doing tons of Freedom Club videos from in there. I've been dying to have a stable setup.

Also, Internet business is so fun and for some reason I get really excited when people order from other countries and before 8am we had orders from 5 different countries. Norway, Germany, Belgium, Canada, and Alaska which is kind of another country.

ok...painters are here...gotta go.

*Design within Reach is a cool store/showroom, but to get a lot of the exact same stuff at 1/4 the price and in 1/4 of the time go to They don't have as good of descriptions though so go into a DWR showroom and check everything out but don't buy it there before checking online.


Daniel J. Watkins said... many married guys laughed when they read the part about "the painters are in?"

That expression has a totally different meaning when you're married... LOL

Jaythan Vasquez said...

That chair looks really comfortable, and if that lamp has a linen shade, I have one very similar to it. Stay cool. :)

His Creations Photography said...

Ohh are a man of sacrifice to give up the tempur-pedic!! We have been sleeping on our new one for 6 days now and I don't think I could give it up!! Unless of course there was a fine lady in need! :)

Sarah Barlow said...

Whoa! Did you make your bed??? It looks too perfect!

|| davidjay || said...

haha... Sarah... I like how you put 3 question marks!!! did. :)

Anonymous said...

I gotta get me a chair like that! Where did you buy it from?

Gary Fong, Author said...

That is an awesome chair but the way it is shaped it looks like you just "have" to take it in the back entrance. :)

kennykimdotcom said...

Good talking to you the other day. I actually like sleeping on aerobeds! :-)

Shannon said...

I LOVE the new looks very very comfy!

Raya Carlisle said...

Nice chair DJ. It's good to see you've got some style - not that I questioned you, but you know.

faithsalutes said...

I know of another site where some of those items are even less...

If you love mid century modern.