It's so cool because I got to see Fireworks in Tennessee last week celebrating Americas independence and today I'm watching fireworks over Paris celebrating Independance day here!

Tomorrow I'll leave sometime in the morning and make my way to the train station. l'll be finding the eurostar to London

which leaves every hour so I'm not too worried about getting a
ticket and then once I get to London I'll find a hotel. I haven't booked one yet so we might be in for some more fun like Switzerland but I think I'll be ok. :)
I'll just be there for a day and a half and then I fly back to Santa Barbara! Yea!!!
love how you just roll... Im the opposite, I have to plan every detail. :-)
It will be so cool to take the train during the day this time so you can see the countryside. I love that train-so fast!
enjoy the wandering :)
have a good trip DJ, take care :)
happy bastille day! c'est super chouette!
check out the big parks in london, lovely places. I'm so jealous!
yeah, i think you're taking that freedom thing a bit far, eh?
When will you be bact to France!
We all already miss you!
It is funny because i will going to be in London next week for my business! LOL
I hope you'll be back soon and we could organise something with British photographers!
Thank you so much for coming to France!
Hope you find something better then a shower, have fun!
DJ, one day I want to be a wanderer just like you! lol :-P
Hope you'll get in touch if you ever have enough time to wander up to Edinburgh! So close and yet so far. :) Hope you're well!
awesome! make sure to ask the ticket gal if they have any upgrade deals for first class. we got ours for about 5 euro and they give you a four course meal, hot towels and tons of wine! oh and they bring around these big baskets of chocolate to choose from. it was awesome!
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