I'm super excited to meet with Sunnee and I hope you'll email me before the show so we can be in touch!

Also, I saw that their was some frustration expressed in this thread and I understand that nobody knew that if somedbody bid at the last minute the auction would get extended giving the other bidders time to bid but I think this is a very good feature and especially for a charity auction where the goal is to raise money for a good cause.
I was bidding on people who I wanted to meet with and I won two auctions so I'm stoked! I get to meet with Dave and Quin Cheung and Jeff and Julia Woods! Yea!
Rock on!
You got TWO amazing couples - lucky guy!!!
Yay! I am so excited so much money was raised! It makes my day.
:) Yea! I am a lucky guy!
Yep I tried to bid on Jeff & Julia at around 11:58. MYSQL errors kept happening and my bids never went through. When I reloaded they had been extended, I bid again and still couldn't get a bid to go through.
I agree that the auction results were great for Thirst but pretty cruddy for those who wanted to learn from those guys. I can talk to Jeff anytime but I feel pretty bad for guys like Azul who got ska roo'd.
Hey Matt, come hang with us! We'll all have a good time!
Who was Azul wanting to meet with. I'm sure we can line it up!
Rock on!
You are meeting with some great photographers I have been amazed by Jeff and Julia for a long time.
I’m so excited I get an opportunity because I won the auction for Joy and Garrett Nudd.
This is truly a great cause and getting to meet such great photographers is just an added bonus.
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