In it Guy says, "It's not how great you start - it's how great you end up."
I know I have stalled starting things because I didn't feel I was ready or I didn't feel that it was as good as I wanted it to be so these words sure rang true for me.
Start things when they're "good enough" - then work to make them better!
... and that's how I ended up doing this crazy wedding photography thing... life just gets better every day. ;)
sounds like a good read!
so... the news????
haha! You already know dork!
lol... yeah, but I think maybe one or two others might wanna know ;-)
And besides, I wanna see some video!
I'd like to hear the news since I don't already know...and I'd like to see the video too...whichever one Tim is talking about! :)
:) lol...I haven't really told anybody yet...I will try and get a little video up tomorrow though.
Guy is a great author...and he makes a good point. I talk about how I observed this to be true in the people I've interviewed. You have to live life as a verb...and living as a verb means not waiting for perfection. I am good at doing this is some areas but am challenged by it in others.
thanks for the book rec, i'm gonna check it out! I love Guy's blog too.
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