The poll results were surprisingly accurate but I haven't bought the house it - but it is in escrow so I've tied it up so that's exciting! I've never gone through this process before and it's kinda scary.
Anyway...here's Deyl's video that he used to lure me into this place! Enjoy!
I'm calling it the OSParty House! So if I go through with it we need to have an OSP House Warming Party!
Congrats man! Hope escrow goes well :)
NOW, That's Haute!!!!!!!
congrats! it looks amazing!
ooooo fancy!
wow! where is it?
Congrats! When you have the party I would love to bring some food, I love to cook and share food with great people! Pasta Salad, Potato Salad, BBQ Ribs, Tri Tip, Enchiladas (beef or Chicken), Chicken Mole', Chef Salad.
Let me know I would love to help with your house warming party! (see I'm thinking positive for you, I know you will get the house)
Best of Luck to you DJ!!
Congratulations :) You rock! DJ a homeowner!
I'm totally at that party!
congrats DJ! That's awesome! :)
That is Soooo Sexy DJ!! Deyl is right on! LOL.
Congrats man - it's scary but not that bad at the same time.
Now didn't we predict you buying an OSP Party Pad this time last year after the Mansion?!?!
Yay! you decided to go for it! That rocks! And the house looks super sweet too. When do we get to visit? :)
Ooooh, that place is sick. OMG...it's way hot! ;)
Dangit, I was wrong! However, I am VERY happy for you - homeownership is the bomb dot com. :)
Smokin'! Congrats!
- Nathan
Wow! Look at that view! Looks like a sweet pad bro.
That's so exciting to finally be buying a place.
How many rooms are there? Forest, me, Faith and Ryan are moving in. We'll be your "staff"...I'll sit by the pool all day and make sure everyone else is doing their jobs.
As good as the video is...the video doesn't do it justice. The house is a total experience. Total rock star pad. Whoo hoo. I can't wait for the openning party.
I'm having plans drawn up for a DD Atlantic helicopter landing pad on the roof...
Now we have to close on this thing :)
I can't wait to have all of you over! ...and thanks for the congrats...If all the inspections go well I'll be in there in a month!
:) Raya - come on up! I'll hang with you down by the pool!
I thought I caught a couple of crazy mirrors in that video... huh. How weird?
Deej I'm happily married, but I still check your site every day to see if you have a girlfriend yet..... congrats on the house! :) Enna
ps... I want a friend like Deyl! We all need a good push now and then. - E
congrats, dj! now you'll be even more eager to get back home after traveling! enjoy! see you in vegas!
This place is sick!! Nice work man.... Was that a recording studio in one of the photos?
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