Time magazine came out with their person of the year article a couple of weeks ago and guess what - it's YOU!
"...But look at 2006 through a different lens and you'll see another story, one that isn't about conflict or great men. It's a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before."
it's actually me, not you!
LOL.... I'm pretty sure when I held up the magazine I saw a picture of me on it.
Boys..... I've had enough of your arguing. Besides we all know it's me. Ok, time to move on:)
She looks more like Amy to me, guys. And Amy is WAY, WAY, WAY better looking than either of you...(even when you wear a dress and / or makeup, DJ, sorry to say...)
The pick actually isn't the cover of the magazine...it was just a screen grab off the web.
It's pretty cool because the cover of the magazine is actually a mirror! What a neat idea!
Don't get me wrong, DJ, I think you look lovely with make-up on...but you can not possibly compete with the lovely Amy Nave. ;c)
Does the mirror photoshop your face so you look like you deserve Person of the Year.
Wow, that is awesome, and yet so true. The world is a great place not because of those powerful, famous people, but because of billions of non-famous people doing our little part to make life good.
Soooooo... congratulations to EVERYONE! woo hoo! time to party!
I agree Dan - Remember - it's what's inside that counts! ;) lol
Thanks Dan:) I'm blushing:)
WOW!!!!!! David Jay..................
Ok, I'm going to be nice. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
The Daily Show had an interesting piece on...you.
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