I was at the supermarket yesterday and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this! That's right save $11 on 6 boxes of Stouffers! The sale ends tomorrow so you better go. This is the best Christmas present for a bachelor! I'm so happy because now I can eat at home more and I don't even need a plate because it comes with one.

oh that's gross
What do you mean? Come on! They are so good. I just had a Noodle Casserole and last night I had the Salisbury Steak. Yummmmm
WOW David Jay.
I agree with liana.... SICK!!!!!!
Ok I should have invited you over for dinner tonight. I actually cooked for my roommates:)
David, you need a wife. Pretty badly.
awesome! you know dj, the Gino's Pizzas are like 10 for $10. they are nasty, in the most delicious way ever! i often eat them in the middle of the night while downloading cards after a wedding.
Awesome! I'll grab some of those! :) ...We need a special dedicated bachelors forum I think because this food thing isn't going over well with the ladies...
Do you want me to send you some really easy recipes?
You're never going to impress a girl if you fill your freezer with that stuff! :)
lol... recipes would be good but then I'd need pots and pans and knives and stuff....
Oh man - what are we gonna do with you!
This whole thread is just hilarious - you guys crack me up!
Wow, looks like you need some kitchen supplies for Christmas. Maybe a cooking class too, that would go over well witht the ladies.
wow. it's sad for me to say that i totally identify with this post...
Omg! Those were our old neighbors!
We used to live a block over from the Stouffers and they even filmed a commercial at their house once! Crazy!
Stouffer's Lasagna is pretty good...but that's about it..! lol!
Heart attack in a box.... x 11
DJ...this DIY approach really sucks. You should seriuosly consider outsourcing the acquisition of your Stouffers frozen dinners. You can create a lot more freedom in your life if someone else would go to the store and get your frozen dinners for you.
While you're at it, you should outsource the preparation and serving of your frozen dinners.
And you'll need someone to clean up after you've enjoyed your frozen dinners.
It would be really nice if you didn't have to pay someone to perform the acquisition, preparation, serving, and clean up of your frozen dinners.
While an unpaid intern is certainly a possibility...it's not very likely, so maybe you need to consider a wife for this position.
[record scratch sound effect]
Wait...oops...there goes all of your freedom...
Carry on dude. You and your Stouffers dinners seriously rock. \o/
Sounds like DJ needs a George Foreman grill for Xmas.
So much for those cooking classes you took!
im not a big fan of the regular stouffers... the lean cuisine ones in the white box are much better! they usually arent on sale all that much though, they are the high end boxes LOL!
i used to eat a fair amount of these, but i live right in the middle of downtown in an area with a ton of restaurants. that is a must for a single guy!
dan, you are hilarious! i was going to go there but i thought i may have been too soon. i haven't been grocery shopping in months. my personal assistant does it for me every wednesday (as well as my laundry, post office and bank runs, other errands and misc chores). i am trying to find someone to outsource my working out, but haven't quite figured it out yet.
[b] anytime you need to hand off the baton in the ("look behind you for the line") controversial opinions arena, just give me a call...do you have my direct dial # for the Watkins family doghouse? I've been doing a lot of redecorating in there lately (actually I've outsourced a lot of the work to my two sons)...we can't fit very many Gino's pizzas (or frozen dinners) in the mini-fridge, but I do keep plenty of barley sodas in there...
Ya know what's funny is that last week I did have my asst go grocery shopping and I hired a house keeper last week as well.
LOL.... So I'm 2 for 3 Dan but I'm not sure I can find a way to outsource the preparation of it.
DJ -- that's the EASIEST part. You just invite a lovely young lady over and tell her that you are going to cook for her. When she arrives, you have a box of anything that ends in "______ Helper" (e.g. Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, Chicken Helper, etc.). She'll feel really bad that your idea of a wonderful home-cooked meal means something so disgusting as *-Helper while you have a fridge full of non-Stouffers items. BINGO! She'll kick your (butt) out of the kitchen (read = freedom) and make you a very yummmy meal.
(Wait...did I just tell the exact story of my 2nd date with my wife?)
I have a feeling your way would take much more of my time Dan...but for the right girl it'd be worth it.
...that's why I added my footnote / caveat. LOL
Eat whatever you want. Until someone else is actually willing to make you food, they dont get to say anything about it...or until you are taxing on the poor taxpayers. Obese clothing tags, etc. Weren't you there for that conversation?
yea i have to admit, i had a cleaning service come in this morning and it ROCKED! it obviously took me a little longer to realize the benefits of this stuff... but wow it is super sweet.
and dan where was the watkins family doghouse when i was over there... i never saw it? is that where you REALLY were when we stopped by? i knew sleeping was an excuse.
Faithness :) I thought these were good for me.
Bummer...back to the drawing boards I guess!
Luke...you realize that when you came over you had Ali with you...so no doghouse tour for the fairer sex...
BTW -- the doghouse is DOWNstairs (symbolism appropriate), not UPstairs...
DJ, I'll have to send you some good ideas for easy stuff. I was a masta bachelor til Sarah came along! :) You can survive AND have variety on about 2 plates and 2 forks, one frying pan and a bowl & spoon. lol
Stouffers mac and cheese rocks! We make steak like 2 times a week and it goes great with it.
What? Matt was a gansta before Sarah came along? Hmmmm...no wonder he knows such much about how the hacker mind works...
lol I can't cook for beans!! Frozen dinners are the story of my life! :P
I totally have THE thing for you! If you have your assistant shopping and a housekeeper - you totally need a personal chef!
I looked into it - just google "personal chef" plus your area and see what you get. It isn't that much more expensive than buying groceries and is way less than eating out and way better than eating frozen pre-packaged dinners. The one I looked at was for 20 meals (in like tupperware to freeze), 5 different dishes - so if you eat one a night it will last you a month - was like $400!
check it out.
Ok~ well I am so so happy that the man I married is passionate about eating healthy and cooking for me and our three kiddos....because I am lazy when it comes to food and I could not imagine if I married someone that was too... :)
With a wife and kid I hd to upgrade from the Totinos and such. I will tell you the Bertolli, chicken voila dinners are much better, although they require a pan or microwaveable dish. My all time favorite for easy though is the bag of tyson mesquite chicken breasts and alexia red potatoes. That has to be the healthiest of the meals, just throw in some green beans or something. If I was still a bachelor though, i'd be right there with ya guys!
When I was single, there was a steady supply of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream in my freezer. Didn't even need a microwave! Fortunately, I worked out & rode a bike regularly :)
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