There is more info about what Bliksem hosting did specifically here if you'd like to read it but I'm not going to go into it here.
It's a sad sad thing that has made me quite angry and I need to move past it. I really have been stirred up by this and I need to get back to a place of peace because we all know how anger can really control us and have very negative effects on our life.
I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and although I don't know what the reason for this is I do know that it has forced me to deal with some things both personally and professionaly that will hopefully help shape who I am in the future. Possibly the same is true for some of you. Maybe this time helped some of you reconnect with your family or get some things in your business straightened out. Again, I don't know why this happened but there are many good results and I need to spend more time focusing on those things rather than getting more upset over what is lost.

In the next couple of weeks I'll have them install the database with all the posts into another forum so you can at least use the search to find something specific...and feel free to repost it if you'd like it to stay around. Some of you may want to go back and repost parts of your bio into our much cooler "Profile" section that allows you to add more info there so be sure to check that out.
Also, you'll notice that you can now add friends in your profile and leave people messages so that's a fun new feature.
You'll also notice that we don't have the OSP "skin" and graphics but we will get that soon. Another company develops that so as soon as they update it for the new forum we'll get it installed.
For now...enjoy being back and I want to leave you with this quote by William Durant who is the founder of General Motors,
"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures.
Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it."
Let's make sure 2007 is even better than 2006 so we don't miss it!
thank you dj and everyone for all the hard is greatly appreciated!
Dang you're up early man!
OMG DJ - you rock... I've been involved in a forum previously that had to be rebuilt from scratch, and we didn't even have a bulk posting for searching... so this is a heaps better solution than you'd think.
Let me know if you need any help... though it sounds like you have it all in hand.
Take car mate...
Forget about the past! (slaps upside the head) OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR? (doesn't matter, it was in the past) - frmo Lion King.
One good thing about starting over is that it will have a fresh look and vibe.
DJ, Thank you so much for all your hard work to fix this.
AS you said, Everything happens for a reason. I think the reason is clear. It's Christmas and we all had some freaking work to do :) I know I got a lot more done with OSP down!!!
Thanks again!
Life is so difficult without OSP...
Yes and No, but take your time, because sometimes the good things that we want to do actually drain us the most. But yeah, I just pray that God'll do his magical touch and that you'll be so refreshed.
And thanks to the OSP team for all the hard work! You all Rock!!!
I was wondering why I had so much extra time on my hands!! lol!
So glad it's finally back up!!! It's hilarious to see last year's posts at this time...crazy! You're awesome for putting up with all this! :)
Sweet! I think I'm back in the top ten posters again ;) ...
Truth is no one is gonna remember the lost threads in a couple weeks. Everyone will remember your response and how you took care of your peeps though.
Lovecats rule.
Thanks for doing what you do...and being such a wonderful leader! :)
Thanks everyone! I can't tell you how good it feels to have things working again!
Dane - we were able to keep the post count so you got some work to do!
How soon before...
is up and running again?
Mrs. Claus needs to buy the Brilliant CRW settings for the old fat guy and she doesn't know how to hook that up...
ya i do ... I'm on it!! :)
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