Since OSP is back in action I figured maybe we should do a collective vote on somethings...and we'll start off easy with the Ranking System! :)
When I first setup OSP I used soccer teams (league's actually) to define the ranks as you can see here...

Would you guys like to change the current rankings or keep them? If you'd like to change them give some suggestions...and there doesn't have to be a bunch like I initially setup but probably a system with 5-10 would be good.
Rock on!
Something camera related. Old time cameras to current ones. Just an idea.
How about something like the more posts you have the better the camera you get?
0-5 posts: point and click shooter
5-10 posts: film shooter
10-20 posts: Nikon D70 shooter
20-30 posts: Nikon D200 shooter
30-40 posts: Nikon D2x shooter
50-60 posts: Canon Rebel shooter
70-80 posts: Canon 30D shooter
80-90 posts: Canon 5D shooter
90-100 posts: Canon 1D Mark II N shooter
I'm nervous that because I don't have four figures of posts that my rank is in jeopardy ... ;)
A Canon Rebel is SOOO not better than a Nikon D2X!!!
What's that all about?!
you silly goose!
A Canon Rebel is SOOO not better than a Nikon D2X!!!
What's that all about?!
you silly goose!
A Canon Rebel is SOOO not better than a Nikon D2X!!!
What's that all about?!
you silly goose!
A Canon Rebel is SOOO not better than a Nikon D2X!!!
What's that all about?!
you silly goose!
A Canon Rebel is SOOO not better than a Nikon D2X!!!
What's that all about?!
you silly goose!
I second Chris' idea! He is a pure genius!!!!
OOPS...apparently I thought it was such a silly idea, I had to post it FOUR times!... LOL
OOPS! Apparently I thought it was such a silly idea I had to post it FOUR times... sorry Deej!
Keep the Football Leagues "Considering its the best sport in the world"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
knowledge cat...nice.
"go on, go forth...and multiply the value"
lol...just finished it, and it rocks. got the rec. here from your blog and i'm so glad i read it.
Yes...but Chris don't you think the point and shoot should rank above the Nikon? :)
It's an Evil Canon Empire!!!
I think:
David Jay Fan
Extreme David Jay Fan
David Jay Stalker
Freaky David Jay Fan
And the highest level can be:
Mrs. David Jay
LOL!!!!! :)
you've created a monster!!! just keep it to the soccer but please include brasil, the best country in the world!
I like the soccer thing -- and not just because I play. I just thought it was quirky and unique, which made me dig OSP even more.
It's very DJ, and what's OSP without DJ?
LOLOLOL!!!!! Oh Nattie, Thats HILARIOUS!.
I have a feeling that the guys on this thing wouldnt appreciate being callled "Mrs. Jay" though!! :)
Ah yes. DJ you are correct. I was also thinking right above Nikon we could put a few other cameras like the Holga, the pinhole, the 4x5, etc etc.
I had the same idea as Chris, but opposite of course. I submitted it and I lost it. So I redid it and changed my answer. I should have left it.
You guys are brilliant! I love it!
Mrs. David Jay? Hmmm...currently that honor would go to Mr. Jim Cook (much to the chagrin of Mrs. Jim Cook)...but I'm in line to be his 2nd wife! Woo-hoo! Maybe then Pictage would return my calls about my credit card being double (triple) billed...
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