My buddy Mark Fiore is such a stud! He works primarily for Linkin Park but he's done work for tons of the biggest bands in the world and here's one of my favorite videos he's done for a band called Olivia.
He and I are working on finishing up my mexico DVD and I'm so grateful that he's working with me on this because he is slammed with these big rock bands wanting him and he's taken a month out of his life to work with me!
...and yes ladies he is single and if you can find him on MySpace you can probably become his friend.
Mark Fiore is cuuuute! ...running over to My Space :)
I wanna learn to surf
Man... he is cute! ;-) lol
I tried to find him on myspace, but no love
DJ are you on myspace?? :)
So Hot!!!!:)lol Did you pose him like that too?
Wow.. I bet Mark is REALLLLY good at Editing. Do you get to watch him edit? Or does he like to edit in private? (okay, I'll stop w/the puns) hahahaaa
Seriously tho, Deeje, you should bring Mr.Fiore to Vegas with you :)
He said he's hoping to come to Vegas so he can meet you all.
Yeah Amy, notice how he's non- chalantly posed showing that his ring finger is bare... haha! Are you trying to turn this into a dating service DJ?!
Oh Shyla darling....that happened a long time ago!
Shyla you are toooooo funny. OSP is totally a dating service. Anytime someone mentions that they are single you have like ten people trying to hook them up:)LOL
hmmmmm, who should we hook Mark up with:) he he
Lets start a thread......
Well there are no shortage of hot single OSP women :) Shyla and Amy and liana all from just this post!
Let's play Matchmaker!
Those of us who are happily married get to be in charge :) :)
me, liana, amy & shyla can all take mark out in vegas!
yeah jc, mark isn't going to know what to do with himself!!!
I feel a song coming on...
"MatchMaker MatchMaker make me a match, find me a find, catch me a catch..."
"...bring me a ring for I'm longing to be the envy of all I see!"
HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Nice one Shyla!! :)
Um...the above was my sister Natalie;)
HAHA!! YEAH but that was Sarah TYPING!!! LOL!!! haha
lol... I think Natalie needs a blog too!
Yeah DJ!! I think I do!!!!
oops that was me:)
Hey thats my TV in the photo! Ladies, not only is he HOT he rips at rollerblading too :)
lol...no way...is that really your TV - so funny!
yeah! i was trying to return it to costco because it had a broken input on the front, and Mark was there and said ILL TAKE IT! :)
i figure he'll pay me pack one day by inviting me to a world premeire of one of his films
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