Friday, March 09, 2007

What a great night for the world

Over $23k was raised through the charity auction last night! Wow! That is amazing! It's so wonderful to see how everyone has embraced Thirst Relief and the work their doing to save lives!

I'm super excited to meet with Sunnee and I hope you'll email me before the show so we can be in touch!

Also, I saw that their was some frustration expressed in this thread and I understand that nobody knew that if somedbody bid at the last minute the auction would get extended giving the other bidders time to bid but I think this is a very good feature and especially for a charity auction where the goal is to raise money for a good cause.

I was bidding on people who I wanted to meet with and I won two auctions so I'm stoked! I get to meet with Dave and Quin Cheung and Jeff and Julia Woods! Yea!

Rock on!


Liana said...

You got TWO amazing couples - lucky guy!!!

faithsalutes said...

Yay! I am so excited so much money was raised! It makes my day.

|| davidjay || said...

:) Yea! I am a lucky guy!

-Matt said...

Yep I tried to bid on Jeff & Julia at around 11:58. MYSQL errors kept happening and my bids never went through. When I reloaded they had been extended, I bid again and still couldn't get a bid to go through.

I agree that the auction results were great for Thirst but pretty cruddy for those who wanted to learn from those guys. I can talk to Jeff anytime but I feel pretty bad for guys like Azul who got ska roo'd.


|| davidjay || said...

Hey Matt, come hang with us! We'll all have a good time!

Who was Azul wanting to meet with. I'm sure we can line it up!

Rock on!

Adam Hudson said...

You are meeting with some great photographers I have been amazed by Jeff and Julia for a long time.

I’m so excited I get an opportunity because I won the auction for Joy and Garrett Nudd.

This is truly a great cause and getting to meet such great photographers is just an added bonus.