Friday, March 09, 2007

Hotel Barlow

I've been staying at Hotel Barlow this week and it's been so great hanging out here and doing nothing and this place has been upped to 5 Star status because they added a spa service! Yes can you believe that!

They are so wonderful and they called in their friend who's a massage therapist and she came over and gave massages yesterday! It was amazing!

Here's a picture of a bunch of us after church the other night. I tried to keep Andrew out of the photo so I could have all the girls to myself but he's stronger than me so I couldn't keep him out!


Emmanuel Speciale said...

past a good time with your friend, 2 weeks to Las vegas, I'm so excited...!!

Andrew Barlow said...

yea DJ, the only reason you even came close to beating me in arm wrestling is becuase all "your girls" were on your side pushing your hand!!! :P

Shyla said...

did you two seriously arm wrestle??!

|| davidjay || said...

I tried but it was over so fast I don't remember....

Debbie Garon said...

oh you silly boys!

amynave said...

Oh what a cute picture. Did you talk Sara, Natalie, and Andrew into visiting SB??????????

Shyla said...

who won?!

Andrew Barlow said...

haha I did once I overcame ALL the girls... ;P lol actually we didn't really arm wrestle... yet! lol maybe we should

J@KE said...

I'd take on DJ anyday. Not sure I'd win but it would be fun anyway :-)

That was a sweet party.

It was good talking business with you DJ. Thanks. :-)


Natalie Joy said...

Aims! I think in the fall we're gonna come out!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!:) :) :) Cant wait!

Shyla said...

wow, ALL the girls 'eh? are Oli and Jules getting too strong for you Andrew? ;)

Now Deej, you should take you own advice and eat your veggies! ;)

Paige Kearin said...

Are any of those Barlows on the couch the singers?

c r y s t a l said...

Aww! Looks like fun times!

massages....this preggo girl is jealous!

Miss you, DJ!

Natalie Joy said...

Paige, Actually the "singers" are our cousins! we do sing but not like that...:)

Sarah Renée said...

Aw man, what a good time :) You came up in the perfect timing DJ! Can't wait to see those pics up on facebook!

Joe Barlow, a pastor, 10th of 14 kids, father of 7, husband of one beautiful wife said...

Natalie, you sing like that, just nobody knows it yet!

Bob & Dawn, thanks for coming over, that was great. You do have wonderful kids.

SamTheMan said...


Yes, the Barlows are VERY special people dude so I know you were in good hands. But, it's hard to believe that Andrew is stronger than you as he's pretty weak (you can tell him I said that but only after I'm a safe distance away). I also think you're scared to play me at Fuzzball but one of these days we're going to connect. Congrats on the success my man and I look forward to getting you on the Fuzzball/Pool/Air Hockey table soon! Be blessed!