Thursday, March 29, 2007
I am home! Yea!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Great Conference!

Hope Litwin was so sweet to let me use her camera and then posted about the seminar on her blog along with this shot that she snapped of me! :) If anybody else has pictures please post'em on your blog or email them to me because I'd love to see them.

Todd came out to hand deliver some Showit DVD's which are so awesome and he shot some video as well so as soon as I can download that I'll put some clips up.
and it was pretty fun because right before this I did an interview for a series on weddings that is getting pitched to HBO. (they put makeup on me and I had to go straight to my presentation and then I forgot about it and I bet everyone was thinking I was so weird b/c I forgot to tell them all why I had makeup on. lol)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Today was good

Aimee Cooper from OSP is such a doll and she heard that I wanted a "Lovecat" shirt so she made me one...and made a really funny Vegas - OSP shirt for herself!

...and then I watched the water show
from Fongs place and came back to go to sleep but for some reason couldn't sleep. I have a lot on my mind with everything so I think it makes it hard to sleep.
Monday, March 26, 2007
BluDomain Disaster


WPPI started out with a bang! Sara France, Lauren Hillary, and Anna Costa threw a "Super Swanky Soiree" ( I have no idea what those words mean but it was so fun! ) so I hung out there for awhile and then caught the very tail end of the OSP party down at Napoleans...I was so tired this morning so I slept in.

Sunday, March 25, 2007
The Ethical Mind
One of the quotes in it I thought was perfect...
"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation." - Pearl S. Buck
I'm off to Vegas for WPPI...I actually hate Vegas but it is the biggest wedding show and so it's fun catching up with all my friends! Below is my schedule and I just found out I'm on the same flight as Shyla and Amy! so we will be coming in around 4pm today.

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Secret Marijuana Room
I hate smoking and I've never even smoked a cigarette but I have had a cigar and my buddy Tim gave me a pipe for my birthday so I've tried that but smoking is gnarly so stay away from that unless you want to die.
Checkout the video.
Friday, March 23, 2007
House stuff

It's so gorgeous up there it blows my mind. Here is a little video clip where you can see the living room and the kitchen - and the view.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Honesty and Influence
Without a doubt I've seen that openness and honesty is really the only way to succeed and I've tried (admitedly giving too much disclosure at times) to live a very open and completely honest and sincere life/business.
The companies (and people) that I support are all companies I truly believe in and I believed in them before I began talking about them...and I've declined to speak on behalf of companies and products that I don't believe in and It's been hard to watch as I see people sell their souls for products and companies just for a little cash even when they know and admit that these are not the best out there.
Please - if you're giving recommendations...if you're a leader...if you have influence over people's decisions then you have a huge responsibility to make sure what you're selling is actually going to help them.
Thanks for listening and let's all hold each other to a higher standard of openness and honesty and let's make this industry and better place.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Real Ultimate Power
Easily Distracted
"People who are easily distracted are probably Ninjas. For example, if you are talking to a Ninja and people are shooting basketballs in the background, then you can forget it, because he won't hear a thing you say."
More later...shhhhhh
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I really like coming home on Tuesday because Tuesday is cleaning day and so I come home and everything is clean and my bed is made and the clothes are folded and my life feels very orderly.
I need to find a way for the rest of the week to feel that way. My life has felt very out of control for the last couple of years and it's been great but things just happen so fast and so I've had to be super focused which means that lots of things have been "swept under the rug" so to speak.
Anyway...just rambling I guess.
........ :)

The poll results were surprisingly accurate but I haven't bought the house it - but it is in escrow so I've tied it up so that's exciting! I've never gone through this process before and it's kinda scary.'s Deyl's video that he used to lure me into this place! Enjoy!
I'm calling it the OSParty House! So if I go through with it we need to have an OSP House Warming Party!
Click here to vote...all the options are very real possibilites.

Monday, March 19, 2007
The Art of the Start

In it Guy says, "It's not how great you start - it's how great you end up."
I know I have stalled starting things because I didn't feel I was ready or I didn't feel that it was as good as I wanted it to be so these words sure rang true for me.
Start things when they're "good enough" - then work to make them better!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Arizona is Fun!
But AZ was great and on Thursday I flew in and got to meet up with some Rocking OSPers for a last minute dinner and my buddy JT posted about it here (but didn't give Todd or I any link love. Jerk. lol)

Todd and I have been friends since grade school and he is the programmer for Showit Web and he just moved to AZ so I came out to visit. Check me out in his programming chair. It's crazy. He connects his laptop up to this big screen and wireless keyboard and will program all night long.

Todd and his wife have the cutest little kid named Kiefer. He repeats everything you say so I have some funny videos of him saying things that I taught him.
Here is a good one. :) ...and I put him in Todd's shoes and it was pretty fun to watch him try and walk around.
Testing Showit Web's new Embed Feature

Everyone knows how important blogging is and so in the new Showit Web PRO we made it easier to post shows to your blog by allowing you to resize the show after it's created!
So if you wanted you could upload a show full size for your clients to view and then resize the show and save it your "blogslideshow" folder as a new size to fit your blog.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Check out Shyla!

Below is one of my favorite shots of hers and I'm just so excited because she's doing such an incredible job! Thanks for the inspiration Shy! Keep rocking!

Pictage TV

Look at me! I am on Pictage TV with my dolphin friend Ben. :D
Click here to see the video!
And they have a new member gallery too!

Pictage rocks!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Travelin light
This is all I brought for my trip. I'm only gonna be gone for 3 days so I figured I didn't need more than my computer bag. It's a great bag.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I had a great few days at home and got so much done. Tomorrow I leave for Arizona! Yea!
I fly into Phoenix at 4pm and I'd love to meet up and have dinner with any of you that are around. I have a meeting in Gilbert/Mesa area around 7ish so if we could meet somewhere in that area that would be great.
I don't have a return flight yet but I will probably be leaving on Saturday to come back to Santa Barbara so it will be a quick trip and I will be in Flagstaff the whole time so I'm sad that I'll probably miss most of you but if you're around and can have dinner than post up here where you all want to eat and when and I'll meet you there.
Showit Web Pro/Lite

It may automatically register for you or you can get your registration key by logging into your account on the Getit Store.
This will be the program that links in with the Showit-DVD service so if you want to get some shows ready for DVD just be sure to check the "Showit-DVD Compatible" box when you make the show and then you'll be ready to go.
Click Here for the PC version.
Click here for the Mac version!
There is also more info about Showit Web and the future DVD-service on the Support Site.
Rock on!
p.s. We switched the naming from "Version 2.0" to "PRO" and "Version 1.0" to "Lite" just incase you were confused. :)
Monday, March 12, 2007
People or Production?
"The more you think about business as being a community service, the more successful you become."
How right on is that!
Are you building a community? Remember Tim Sanders quote,
"Your Network is Your Networth."
...and I believe that your biggest Return On Investment will always be when you invest in people!
There's been so much talk about Outsourcing and this is one of the reasons I'm so passionate about it. I outsource everything and by doing so I have extra time to invest in people and help build communities both virtually and physically. It's a big deal and I'm so thankful for everyone I've been able to meet and learn from.
Invest your time in people - not in production and you'll be infinitely more successful!
Rock on!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Mark III

Saturday, March 10, 2007
Back on the left side

I'm in San Fran right now so I'm almost there!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Hotel Barlow

I've been staying at Hotel Barlow this week and it's been so great hanging out here and doing nothing and this place has been upped to 5 Star status because they added a spa service! Yes can you believe that!
They are so wonderful and they called in their friend who's a massage therapist and she came over and gave massages yesterday! It was amazing!
Here's a picture of a bunch of us after church the other night. I tried to keep Andrew out of the photo so I could have all the girls to myself but he's stronger than me so I couldn't keep him out!
What a great night for the world
I'm super excited to meet with Sunnee and I hope you'll email me before the show so we can be in touch!

Also, I saw that their was some frustration expressed in this thread and I understand that nobody knew that if somedbody bid at the last minute the auction would get extended giving the other bidders time to bid but I think this is a very good feature and especially for a charity auction where the goal is to raise money for a good cause.
I was bidding on people who I wanted to meet with and I won two auctions so I'm stoked! I get to meet with Dave and Quin Cheung and Jeff and Julia Woods! Yea!
Rock on!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thirst Relief auction ending soon!

***Click here*** to enter the auction...and whoever I meet with gets a free meal (sorry I gotta get together over breakfast or Lunch) and the full suite of Showit products ($500 value)
Checkout the video I made from our trip to Brazil last year for more info about Thirst Relief.
Cold Snow and Lazy

We've been having so much fun and I think we're gonna get to have dinner with Bob and Dawn Davis tomorrow night!
Oh yea...Since Gary Fong's been working out I figured I should be too and my friend Deyl just posted a picture of me using some cool green screen technology.
Click here to check it out...and if it doesn't appear to be me that's just because you're not used to seeing me holding a horse saddle in my bedroom with teal and purple sheets.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Great trip!
I'll be back out here in September for an even bigger conference for all of New England so if you're on the East Coast be sure to come!
After the conference I got to connect up with a wonderful couple of mine! Justin Marantz and Mary Bess and have dinner and chat about their upcoming wedding in CT! So fun!!!

Also, if you were at the conference please send me photos! I have a couple but I want to keep them all and put them up on my blog.
United rocks
After hassling with the American people for the last couple of days and getting nowhere it was quite the treat for United to give me a free upgrade without even asking!
Props to them!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Lori Nordstrom

Today I sat in on Lori Nordstrom's presentation and it was amazing.
She's a phenominal photographer, has a killer business, she's gorgeous and do you believe she has a son in neither!
Definitely check her out!
Also...she's stuck in Chicago so give her some love on her blog....she already spent one night in the airport this week.
Rhode Island Pictures
Friday, March 02, 2007
Rhode Island

I love it...and everyone here has been so sweet and i'm really excited about the PPARI conference.
I actually don't have to do anything till Monday so it's nice to have a couple of days to get to know everyone...and I need to go buy clothes because American lost my luggage but the cool thing is if an airline can't deliver your luggage that day you can go buy clothes and they'll pay for them.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Thank You Pictage!
Thirst Relief Auction

***Click here*** to enter the auction...and whoever I meet with gets a free meal (sorry I gotta get together over breakfast or Lunch) and the full suite of Showit products ($500 value)
Checkout the video I made from our trip to Brazil last year for more info about Thirst Relief.