So yesterday I returned home from Kona and I must admit I'm excited to be home for a few weeks. I haven't been home for more than 3 days since the last week in May but it was a total rush and I loved it. There's something eerily peaceful about being on the road. There's almost a sense of security in it that I haven't experienced before. When you're constantly moving it seems like problems have a tendency to fix themselves...which is really nice because I have a lot of problems :)
Anyway...I really just wanted to post up some pictures of the wonderful people I met and I know that so many of you have more pics so please send'em over because I'd love to have them and I'll post'em up.
I can't wait to see you at PartnerCon in just a few weeks!

DJ, would you ever come (or better: when) over here to Europe to do one of these conferences? You don't even know how happy you'd made us!!! And I even know a really nice location... ;-)
That is quite a milestone DJ! Thanks for providing such an awesome place for exchanging ideas! You Rock! Looking forward to seeing you at the 1,000,000,000 post!
So who was the 100,000 poster ??
Yaaaay! 100,000 is a BIG deal and you're the person responsible for starting such an AWESOME, THANK YOU!!
Soooooo exciting David Jay............
I was just thinking today about all the amazing people that I've met on here.
Such an amazing place forsure:)
Either your a giant or all the people in NJ are little!! :D
Hey...I think this calls for another party, Jazzy! It was just a few months ago we were celebrating 50,000!!
Hey Jessica! :) You bet I'd come out there! Let's line it up! :)
Jason - I think the 100,000th was Mark Collins :) - and it was just his b-day too so he got a little Showit treat.
oh sweet 100,000 posts! nice!
being at home is nice, I am so stoked about the next 7 weekends of traveling to come many weddings so little time!
What a wonderful milestone!!! A big thanks to you for starting this madness! Simply put...OSP rocks :)
Sooooo excited!!! OSP is the bestest forum ever!! I have NO clue what I would do without it!!
niiiiiice...LOVE your slave labor pic;) hehe!!
Congrats DJ! OSP has changed my life. Seriously.
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