Showit Web 2.0 was just offically released in April and yesterday we reached 1000 orders! Wow! That's incredible! .... and I think it says a lot for the quality and effectiveness of this application and a lot of my thanks goes to all of you who shared what you needed for your business and it's always so encouraging to hear how it's helped grow your business. I've been showing some of my favorite emails on the PUG tour from people who's businesses and lives have been changed by Showit Web and here are just a couple of them...
Here's one that a bride sent to Laura Novak (click on it to read it)

...and here's one that Brad Person sent to me showing the amazing power of Showit Web to be spread using the "Word of Mouse" marketing that is so powerful today!

yaaaaa, for showit web:) It brought meaning to my life:) LOL
Ditto Amy!!!!
Soooooo excited for you DJ!! And this is TOTALLY just the beginnning! :)
You couldn't have done it without me! (Oh, and 999 of my closest photographer friends...like Sarah, and Amy, and...)
Seriously...(uh, I forgot what I was going to say...)
Congrats DJ. Your products rock as much as you do!
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