and then last night I was listening to some word-of-mouth marketing presentations and found some more books to get so I swung over to Borders and picked up some more...and notice that all my books are hard back! I don't like paperback books because I save my books and I write in them and I want them to last a long time so if it's offered in hard back I always buy that.

People always ask me how I have time to read and although I do try and spend a couple of hours reading every morning I also found that I can spend an extra hour or two reading each day by just having a book with me when I'm waiting to eat or waiting for a plane or something...so I know you have time to read and believe me it's so important to read!
...oh yea...and I didn't bring my phone charger out here or on the last leg of my tour last week so if you've called or texted I probably haven't gotten it (sorry) :)
Glad to hear you got a massage!!! Yeah! You should try the couples' massage :) *wink*
*sweet* purpose-driven life! :)
That was me above. Oh and yes, agree about books.
Couples massage! :) I don't think I qualified for that one so they didn't offer it...bummer!
Purpose Driven Life is great! I've already read it but I'm reading it again!
Very cool slide show. Is that new music I hear? Any change us OSP'ers will get a change to purchase the music and a template?
Hope your relaxing well.
The word should be "Chance", not "Change"!! I'm so not awake!
Aww!! DJ that's awesome!! Yeah books totally rock!! I need to read WAY more than I do...and get massages WAY more than I do...which is never!! lol!!
So glad you're finally able to relax for awhile:)
Looks like your having an awesome time!! can you stop here on your way back?? we NEED some DJ!! lol
You Rock!!
Oh yeah and those pics from the wedding were awesome!!!
Oh ohh...you're gonna be a massage-addict now, hu??
Such a luv-cat - "hardback books so I can keep them in write in them".... if I remember correctly???
Is that a Moleskine notebook on top? Excellent.
Yay for books!!!! :)
Oh man, I am uber jealous...you got a massage and got to just chill and read! Sounds like the PERFECT day to me!
I sense more massages in your future.
I love all of your book suggestions, I just ordered "Love is a Killer App" and am looking forward to reading all of the great stuff I keep hearing about on OSP. Thanks for the tips!
i haven't had a good massage since our long nights in that westmont darkroom :)
good to see you are taking some time out for yourself! its good for you :) you are a blessed guy and you should make sure to take it all in at every moment you have...many of us dream of having the opportunities and blessings you have!! take care...God bless :)
Deyl - hmmmmm...not sure how to respond...
Oooh, massages are a wonderful thing! :)
12 books in how many daysss??? Woah, you read fast!!!
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