...and I also just saw the most brilliant thing ever on MySpace! Chris and Tammie Biley from Largo Photography are probably the smartest people ever because checkout the amazing marketing their doing with Showit Web 2.0 on MySpace.
Click here to see their MySpace page!
They are from AZ, and I tend to believe that everyone from AZ is naturally blessed with a few more smarts than everyone else but that has yet to be proven, Anyway they are doing these insanely awesome Senior Portraits and then posting Showit Web 2.0 shows up for the clients to see and using "Word-of-Mouse" marketing to spread the word and they said they are booking jobs like crazy!
Rock on!
I definitely agree that us AZ people have what it takes!
I really enjoyed seeing you last at the Pittsburgh PUG, and I was up at the crack of dawn thinking about and planning to implement some of your suggestions. Thanks for coming! It was great to meet you.
In-Vision Studio
Hey David,
Great to meet you last night at Pittsburgh PUG! So far this morning I finished two slide shows and am totally jazzed! Can't wait to go over my notes and start putting everything you covered to work! Thanks SO much! I've got a Friday wedding and their going to be blow away with a slide show as you demonstrated! Rock on dude!
I'm from Rochester,New York and I've been working on the design of my My Space account using Showit Web, since I can't afford a Website. My father used his Space for his band, and thought it would be a good start until I got my website going. I'm even more encouraged by their site that it's the right thing to do.
WOW!! They're really good!!
Great idea too! :)
Wow...ShowIt on MySpace looks awesome! You rock!
Wow... That has got to be one of the most awesomest myspaces ever!!!! lol
....that is an awesome MySpace and did you see that they just added BarlowGirl as their song! :D
I told you they were brilliant!
I agree with JT....AZ people just have it goin' on! haha :) I love their ideas..so creative and definitely perfect for the AZ market :) thanx for sharing DJ
...interesting that you also happen to be from Arizona :). Glad to see you still have the home state pride :). We're missing you here though!
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