I was hoping to post up more fun pics and stuff yesterday but my laptop ran out of power and I didn't have my powercord so I had to wait till today.
Anyway...Janey posted up a fun slideshow here so be sure to check that out! and this picture is from the second night when it was just us photographers...also I think I found out the trick to getting the best presents on your birthday so for all you kids and grownups who love presents the trick is to ask that nobody bring presents. I seriously am so bummed that I didn't figure this out when I was five because this year I asked for no presents and I got the coolest stuff and now I feel like I wasted 26 previous opportunities! Live and learn I guess.

I seriously am so lucky to have the friends that I do and at dinner I thanked everyone for all the love, support, and encouragement and I want to say the same to all of you! Getting to know everyone in person and virtually has been such a gift for me and I'm so amped to meet more of you as we continue on this journey together.
Much love,
You truly are bleesed...with a great group of friends:)
Ahhh... I miss ya.
Sunday?! Very excited to see you!
Hmmm...maybe I should make myself one of those coupon books!! LOL!!!
:) So glad you liked it!! We soooo enjoyed putting it all together probably as much as you enjoyed getting it!!
Daaaaaang DJ! Mr. Ladies' Man!!! Haha! ;-D I'm glad to hear you had such an amazing birthday!!
no, YOU ROCK:)
Happy birthday DJ - looking forward to meeting you one day.
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