It isn't very often that I'm impressed by video. Video is just incredibly difficult to make it artistic and simple which is how I prefer images to be presented but I just saw this video today that Scarlett from Captivating Studios put on her blog and thought it was fantastic so check it out! I didn't see how much she's charging for this type of engagement video but it should be several thousand dollars because this is awesome!
I like it, but, is this getting a little bit closer to the fine line between using music with slideshows and music with a killer video? Do you know what I mean?
I think the video and music are awesome and we're working on a way to get music licensing for stuff like this and I talked with the guy leading the charge on it earlier this week...until labels/publishers tell us how to pay them and how much to pay them I wouldn't worry about it.
Awwww... thank you so much DJ for the publicity! You made my day!
wow scarlett & I just chatted last night about the power of blogging. I think she may have sold me on the idea!
Oh Jessica - yea! Read just about anything by Seth Godin or Ben McConnell and you'll be on the blog train in no time! It's a must for EVERYBODY in business. If you're not being transparent with your business and showing yourself people are going to assume you're hiding something and that's not good.
I have been married for 15 years. Life is good but busy with an 11yr old boy and a 7yr old girl. With school, homework, sports, church activities and weddings there is little time left for alone time with my wife. Scarlett’s masterful work has inspired me to find the time for those capitulating moments.
I am new to blogging and want to thank you David for the many treasures you have led me to discover.
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