...a blessed life...
Well 6 months ago I certainly wouldn't have imagined myself staying out until 2 or 3am every night in a new city hanging out with people who I had just met....and most of all I would've never imagined myself enjoying it! haha...
I seriously feel like the most blessed person in the world right now because over the past 4 weeks I've had the chance to travel to 12 different cities and hangout with groups of photographers that have forever changed my life. I'm so indebted to all of you and I can't thank you enough for sharing your lives with me and teaching me so much about what it means to live, work, and serve in our industry.
When I was 16 years old my dad sat me down and said,
"David, if you always focus your business on helping other people - you'll always have plenty of work."...and he did an incredible job of living that out and I hope to follow his example in my own way and that's really what this tour was about for me - helping people. In Denver my friend Jensen asked me what I had noticed the most from traveling around to these different groups and I said, "that people need help" and I include myself in that statement. We all need help and we all need each other and there really is nothing better than getting together and spurring each other on - celebrating in each other's victories and working through our challenges as friends and as family!
We're so blessed to get to go through this life together and I've been so encouraged by all of you and I hope to one day be able to give back even a small percentage of what you all have given to me.
I cherish all of the relationships I've made and I can't even begin to tell you how priviledged I feel to have gotten to know each one of you.
It's 5 hours till my flight to LA for the final PUG meeting so I had better get some rest but once again - thank you and may God richly bless you in a way that only he can.