I am finally home! YEA! After 24 hours of traveling I made it home from Ohio...ya know it was funny because while I was there I was talking with some friends and they told me that a lot of people grow up in Ohio and never leave...and now I know why - ya can't! Just kidding - it was a wonderful trip and I'm so excited to go back...
...but now I gotta get my clothes cleaned and packed because I actually have to leave tomorrow for Paris instead of Sunday so I've lost a few days at home but that's ok b/c I'm super excited about everything and we'll be posting up tons of videos and pictures while we're there!
Ok...bye. :)
WOW DJ!! That is one disturbing picture! Have an awesome time in Paris and Italy!!!!
sooo true (about Ohio) ... I was one of the few that escaped!! hehe.
Oh, I'm sooo jealous you're headed to Pari and Almalfi !! Go eat some italian on top of Montamarte and get your picture painted.... they do them kinda like these pics of yourself u keep posting! U and Sara have a BLAST:)
DJ you're just getting better looking with every new picture!Wow!
Have fun in Italy! :)
Disturbing!!! haha
Let's plan the next Xtreme seminar in Europe!!! Yea!
Thanks Sarah - I like your new profile pic!
(DJ...shuuu.... you're not supposed to tell yet we're scouting the greek isles and ireland already !!!!)
Native Ohioan I Am!
I seem to remember people looking like that in Ohio.
Now you know why I don't put up a profile pic.
Good luck in Europe man!... can't wait to see some shots. Arrivederci
Dude DJ, I know everyone who lives in Cali is supposed to get a face job... but don't you think you went kinda overboard? hehe lol
My two year old just saw that picture and said " ewwww" LOL
Dude you need an insane facelift dude!
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