A nice photographer just sent this over and I totally cracked up so I thought I'd pass it along. :D Stuff like this doesn't really bother me that much but I got a good chuckle that my picture is on somebody else's site.

Anyway...on to more important things - yesterday was a pretty good day. I got up early and spent 4 hours reading which was awesome and then had lunch and then layed by the pool for the rest of the afternoon and listened to some speeches. I even swam a bit and the pool here is so awesome b/c it's a salt water pool so you float like crazy.

LOL, don't call her now, I think it's 2:00 her time:)
Looks beautful there:) Glad to hear you layed out and relaxed:)
wow I would call them out on that one...have some creativity!
Oh wow!! I love when you go on their site that the play button isn't even on..and the scroll bar thing stays in one place! WOW! LOL!
That pool looks incredible!
Haha! Your logo isn't on there anymore! lol!
I scratched out your name and number on your metal biz card and chiseled in my info. that's cool right?
everyone wants to be DJ!! :)
That is the worst/funniest thing I've ever seen!! How could someone do that?
Anyway, please wish your mom and Happy B-day from everyone at OSP! :)
The least they could have done was reversed it...so you'd be chimpin to the right instead of to the left... :)
Thats awesome you are chill enough to consider that flattery! I must admit I'd be a bit upset if someone straight up copied my site like that! holy smokes!
Our Servers are being updated and we are renovating our site for the 2007 Season...
Looks like they've relaised what's going on.
Hey DJ - that's your first mention of the World Cup. Did you get the chart I sent you?
Yeah, I love how they've pulled the site now.
I have had others copy things on my site as well, but wow!! I mean come on, not my picture though!!! What a crazy!
Holy copy-cat batman! Haha that is sooo funny... Your right though, plagerism is the best flattery, and way to have a great attitude Deej!! At least he cant copy your new classic line... " I'm David, do you want to..uh... vamanos?? Hahaha! I laughed soo hard!
I went and checked out Aaron Miller Photography and their site is "convienently" under renovation right now. Maybe a coincident, maybe not...
ok when i first looked at it i was like he i dont see any images that he copied from david...:)
Only then i saw that he copied the whole site.....duh! how stupid am i?
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