I started shooting with my 5d and the fisheye

I like this shot just b/c it's kinda artsy... :)

Then I grabbed my Mark II and put on my 70-200 for some closer shots but we were way on the opposite side of the road so I couldn't really get anything very cool but if you wanna see really cool fire shots go to Beckstead's site b/c he and his wonderful wife Kassandra were gnarly fire fighters!

Then we watched this guy hose around as the fire got close to the road but the flames pretty much chased him outta there because it was so windy

I was kinda crazy to see this big field on fire and to see how fast the fire moved. Brett has some video that we're watching right now so we'll put it up soon.
...oh yea...and these cool borders come free with Showit Borders!
you're renting a Hummer???? That's the car of my dreams:)
do you want to come work for the newpaper??? We get to shoot fires all the time! And the pay starts at $9 per hour... yay!!!
I just love the 5D / 15mm combination! :)
BTW -- Amy -- my avatar here is my reflection from the back of the passenger side mirror on an H2. :) (Though the car of MY dreams is actually the Toyota FJ Cruiser.)
Dan that's awesome:) I want my avatar to to be me sitting in my very own H2:) LOL
The Hummer is what I got excited about too Aims!!! Great choice Deej!
I must admit though, I like the original Hummer better than the H2!
The hummer is awesome! Might be my next car - We just got the H3 which is the girlie one but I guess it probably fits me better...
Man, your like 2 hours away. How long you here for?
Come on DJ! Please don't tell me your thinking of getting a H3. The TL is way cooler. The H3 looks like its going through SUV puberty. Its got manly fender flares, but its just girly enough to be included in a Barby play set sporting hot pink paint!! For all male photographers everyware keep the TL. I love the fire pics by the way, and awesome 5D/fisheye setup!! Love ya man!
We burn fields a lot in the summer, but that's on purpose... I get to drive the fire truck thru walls of fire and spend the next week with smoker's lung, it is pretty sweet. I'll try to get some pics this year, but it isn't at night so they won't look as cool!
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