So on to the important stuff - I got some new luggage! Ever since I've started traveling a lot I've been looking for the perfect travel bag and I had very very high expectations!
It had to be able to:
• Carry 3 days worth of clothes.
• Extra pair of shoes
• My laptop
• Be carry-on even from Santa Barbara which means it has to be a backpack because otherwise you can't sneak it by the guy at the door of the plane.
• Open up completely because it's so hard to work out of some bags that only open at the top.
• Have soft wheels because my old bag had noisy ones and it bugged me. (The lady looked at me so funny when I was poking the wheels.)
• Have LOTS of secret compartments and zippers (guys like that stuff)
• Match my car (not really - but it does so that's a bonus!)
It's a killer bag made by Tumi - Here's a link!
...so the only bad thing about it was that it had this dumb logo on it and I almost didn't buy it because of the stupid logo. I told the lady at the store that it looks like something that a jr. higher would like...so when I came home I grabbed my switch blade that I got in Brazil (guys like those too) and I removed the logo. Doesn't it look so much better without it! :)
Ok...gotta go get some sleep - I just had fun finding all my new "places" for stuff. Yea!
I don't think I could ever get that much stuff in a backpack, but if you say so:P Pretty Amazing.....
As an honerary member of the Natrually Guys Like Stuff Club..... I vote "yea" on the subject of guys like switch-blades, pockets and zippers. Since the pocket plenty bag in discription has had it's logo removed and now matches the said car....... you get 10 points and have become our newest member. lol. Thanks for submitting your entry....... you've been aproved.
Welcome to the club ;-)
Woops!!! That's supposed to read NATURALLY Guys Like Stuff Club, and I spelled description wrong. I'm sorry it's 6:33am over hear and I just woke up so please excuse me
Oh man -- that logo is freakin' AWESOME! (guys who never grew up past jr. high school like stuff like that) I gotta get me one of them, even though I never travel...
How old are you??
How old are you??
Haha. Sounds like Ali may need to issue another "test", eh??
Really tho..thanks for doing the research DJ and posting... I've been looking for something like that for over a year now! I don't have the SB problem though so...
You know, I was going to say "isn't 'Tumi' Italian for 'steal me'?" But since you defaced it, it's not so much of a problem. ;-)
...the BG's do that all the time too..hehe!;)
Does the handle come out far enough for? In the picture on the website it didn't look the like the handle came out very high and that you would be hunched over wheeling that through a terminal.....
Looks SWEET otherwise! Great find!
LOL - I know I know - my logo is pretty dorky but that's ok because it honestly represents who I am!!!
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