This weekend Gary Fong invited us out to Catalina and this place is so fun and it's just the cutest little town ever and everyone drives around in these little golf carts. On the way in I went out on the front of the boat like Leonardo and took this picture just before Missy pushed me over - no just kidding...and then it was so fun to take more pictures because the island is just beautiful! I'll post up more pics when I get home b/c I'm on the boat right now and I get kinda sick typing. This boat is so insane though! I've never seen anything like it. It's got all these different rooms and secret compartments and I love that kinda stuff. It even has this little built in place for the Mac plug so the power cord comes straight out of the sofa. I need that at home!
DJ's King of the World!
Sweet!!! Looks like so much fun!!!
That pic of you is like a Canon AD lol
I was easy on you this trip... but next time you are so going over! LOL
Bring it on! :)
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