...and so this morning I decided to go out and for the first time ever stock my fridge! It was actually kinda fun roaming through every isle of the supermarket at 3am just imagining the feasts I am going to prepare for myself with this huge loot of food! I filled a whole cart and decided that was enough and it was indeed because the total rang up to $155 and I think that's about 10x what I've ever spent at the supermarket but check out my new fridge fully pimped out!

Vegetables... You should try them.
DJ, You're gonna have to have us over to eat all that.
Aww!! How cute!!;)
That is hilarious! LoL
*rolling on the floor laughing...stomach hurts*
Looooove eggs and my favorite from your fridge is the frozen Welch juices (I think thats what they are)...seriously...I love those :)
DJ, you need to go at a different time. I doubt there are any cuties there at 3 a.m. A single guy with a full shopping cart speaks of domestication. And any form of domestication is magnetized. I don't know, but I think that going at about 10 p.m. after all of the Moms are tucking their urchins in bed (as we are) would cut down on the number of other shoppers. Then you'll find the eligible ladies. 10 p.m. at the grocery store = DJ's Target "Market". :) :) :)
Thats awesome!! haha
You didnt have to go out and buy eggs DJ! we could've sent you home with some:) We still have 10 dozen left!! lol
are you really going to be able to eat all that stuff before it goes bad? you should just go back to the barlow's because they would probably cook for you!
Um, that may be the largest bottle of mustard I've ever seen in my life.
That's an amazing transformation DJ! There is hope for you to move beyond bachelorhood.
So did you have any dependent child tax credit envy whilst visiting the Barlows? You're just a wife, seven kids, and fifteen cartons of eggs away from their neck of the woods...
i saw it with my own eyes last night! its true... completely organized yogurt cartons and no stale krispy kremes to use as tire stoppers for my car
Oh Yeah, DJ, The TAX CREDITS!!! Those are wonderful! That's how we bought all the eggs!
what the hell does someone do with 192 eggs? do they have chickens at their house? are they selling them?
congrats on the new fridge.
Throw out that CoffeeMate and get a real man's coffee mix-in: Jim Beam!
That is so funny! I love the before picture! And wow, that is a lot of eggs! I thought we liked eggs!!
No, we don't have chickens... lol and we don't sell eggs...
With a family as big as ours, the food in the fridge goes all too fast. lol I would say that that load of food in our fridge would last about 2 weeks max... lol DJ was here less then 2 weeks ago and my mom and sister just went out last night to fill it up again! lol
That's hilarious:)
Ok, I wannt see you drink two cartons of milk before they expire. Ready set go!!!!!!
hahahaha! LOL
WOW!...congratulations DJ!
You realize you got 2 gallons of milk...uh...can you drink it fast enough this time?? ;)
Deyl mentioned you got rid of those stale Krispy Kremes...is that true too ?!?
Gee Deej,Im so proud!...hehe
My question is, where are you grocery shopping at 3am in Santa Barbara???
Nice job the DJ!
Eric! Great advice - for the first trip I was just learning the ropes and trying to get my confidence up but for future trips I will definitely be more strategic in my timing! You rock man!
Dan - nope - didn't envy that one... :) For now I'll just buy computers and write those off. :)
... r.fuel - haha....yea... I don't even use creamer but other people like it... :)
Oh and I will finish the milk! You just watch!
Ralphs downtown is open 24hrs! Woohoo!
I'm concerned at all the convenience foods in your fridge.
Do we need to get some easy to follow recipes for you?!!!
DJ-Its a dirty, dirty trick. I did the same thing and stocked my fridge with $100 worth of groceries then the groceries expired before I could eat them. Not cool.
where's the ice cream?!?
now i'm starving. thanks!
Now you are a real man (in training). The real "manhood" comes when you can cook all the things you bought from scratch and have the ability to make what you want without a recipe.
That's step twelve of a twelve step program we like to call M A N (Mastering Any Nutrient). Acording to this evaluation you are at step two: acting upon the realization that you need more than frozen pizza and stale Krispy Kreams. lol. Of corse step one is just realizing your need. So you're on the right track!
I'm glad to see that you're making the choices of M A N. God bless and just stick with the steps they'll lead you to freedom. lol.
what no mac-n-cheese?!?
Deej...seriously...where's the healthy stuff? :) Like, say, green leafy vegetables and vine-ripened fruit? I'm hoping they were still in the grocery bags when you took the picture ;)
Share the grub!!
I see Carrots, lettuce, 100% juice!!! thats pretty healthy:)
Yea! Seriously! I thought it was pretty healthy too! :)
How did I miss this?!?!?!?!
Hahaha...I guess I didn't inspect the fridge too carefully...yes, DJ, you have healthy food. But the question is whether you'll eat them before it goes bad! :)
For all those worried about DJ's food going bad, don't worry. In America we go for maximized shelf life. Those pizzas will probably be good 10 years from now.
Paige that's hilarious but very true:)
Now I know you still have that Cafe Du Monde Beignet mix I sent you somewhere....you might need Amy to cook those for you... :) Don't forget to buy lots of powdered sugar when ya'll cook them!
I see a couple hot pockets in the freezer. Wanted to let you know that I saw a commercial for some sort of hot pocket stuffed biscuit with eggs bacon and cheese. Looked REALLY good. Be on the look out for some of those.
Never mind on the above post. I just had one. They're so processed that it's gross. Don't bother. :)
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