So a few weeks ago my friend Missy Carl got something she's been dreaming of her whole life - Tickets to the Price is Right! So knowing that this was going to be such a big day for her I wanted to be a part of it so me Janey and Amy went down to see the show with her and Gary and a bunch of her friends from Ohio even flew out to be with her on this special day! Unfortunately we arrived at 1pm and the people who actually got into the show had been waiting there since 1am! Haha! Can you believe it! People waited all night to get into the show and win toasters and patio furniture.
Anyway, I don't mean to make light of a tramatic experience for Missy but if ya'll could leave some words of encouragement for her that would be nice. Gary's going to risk sinking his boat (because of the high winds I think) and take us to Catalina Island for the weekend so we can get our minds off of Bob.
On a brighter note Amy was nice enough to drive today and Janey navigated so I emailed and whoa did I ever jam!

I started the day with 160 emails flagged and I sent 72 emails today so I'm really proud of myself b/c I've been wanting to get back to so many of you for so long. I condensed a lot of double emails into one so I'm actually down to only 69 left before being all caught up!!! I love hearing from people and especially photographers...but please don't email and congratulate me on getting caught up on my email.

I am so going to kick your butt tomorrow!!! Very funny you big DORK!!! It was so not my dream to see Bob Barker. I am so getting you for this one. LOL You better hold on tight tomorrow, cause your butt is SO going over board!!!! LOL
ha ha!!!!! DJ a dork, never..... haha!!!!
By the way DJ, if you get a navigation system maybe we won't get lost next time:) hehe
:) I guess that must've been somebody else....
Haha...oh my...
Amy and Janey "where's the freeway"
DJ "We are on the on-ramp."
Tomorrow I'm gonna turn the little ladies voice on so she tells you every turn - lol
WHATEVER!!!!! LOL..........
If you turn the womens voice on are you going to be ok with three women in the car???????
I was gonna comment...... but it would feel like I was intruding on a very touchy situation so I think I'll stay out of this one.
(I can't resist) Melissa: there's nothing wrong with wanting to see BB. I'm not saying my dream is to see him but he did kick Adam Sandler's butt in Happy Gilmore. haha!
OK, so it must not be very easy to get into Price is Right? My uncle-in-law wants to go when he's here for the NE vs. USC game in Sept. ... should I tell him he has to get up at 1a.m.? LOL! Too funny! If anyone wants to go Sept. 18, let me know ... I hear if you have 20 people, you are guaranteed a spot ... I know of 4 that are wanting to go already. :)
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