So I have two big announcements!

2. My MacBookPro just arrived! Woohoo! The guy at the store said I was the first person in Santa Barbara to get one! I feel special!
Anyway - this is my first post from it and I'm so excited! Because I use .Mac I was able to sync all my important data and my email accounts on here instantly and it was the most painless computer purchase ever! Thank you Mac.
good to see youre having fun in photobooth....wow the first person in santa barbara! pretty lucky if you ask me! :)
You know, thats why we love you David Jay!
Hah! There's only one thing more addictive than OSP.........and that's PHOTOBOOTH!!!
That's disturbing.
HEHE!!! Very awesome!!
You look like your dad in the top photo:) haha!!!
I thought you were retiring next year??
I'll let the BG's know they have a couple more years;) lol!
My favorite is the trucker on the lower left with the thumb up. Sweet!
Did you retire your razor too? I think you need to shave .. haha ..
so if your powerbook is 90 i guess that makes my ibook 120. doing anything with the powerbook? cause i'm sure it's faster than my ibook.
have fun with the new macbook.
congrats on the new comp DJ. hope all is well.
i love these adds. check'em out.
once a mac, always a mac. hey?
The old one should be in the hall of fame.
Hay Shyla you posted befor DJ on this one....lol.
DJ don't shave! Remember you're a Rockstar and as such must comply to the "Rockstar Fasion Rulebook" which states....... (section one paragraph A) "There are no rules to being a Rockstar"...... either you are or you ain't and if you are then don't shave..... just trim. lol.
Ok! back to the original post...... At least you have a computer to retire....
When I saw this post, the only thing that ran through my head was a line from Napolean Dynamite:
J@ke Dear, it only counts if its on someone else's post...not his own! ;)
Hey did you get the new hat free with the macbook? Where is lucky (but very tattered) # 13 (speaking of things that need to be retired)? My Dell is 120 years old...and I just resisted the temptation to follow in the legendary Jim Cook's footsteps as I just ordered a new Dell -- $1100 cheaper than what I wanted in a macbook. I'm sure I'll get a mac sometime...maybe like in 120 or 150 years...
dude you so look like you are twelve in the larger photo.... I mean you seriously look SO YOUNG!!!
oo now you can join the macbook pro club with me. i got mine about a month ago. i posted a bunch of those insane pictures on my xanga. i've never laughed so hard in my life when we took them.
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