I just arrived down in LA for a wedding tomorrow and I've been totally fried this week so I did something I never do - I turned on the idiot box (TV) :) ...and being the true teenage girl that I am I flipped on the Tyra Banks show and Tyler Perry was on there and he talked a lot about faith and the importance of giving and he just seemed like a really solid guy. Then I saw that they incorporated Krispy Kreme! Yea!
Now ya'll know that I love Krispy Kremes and did you know that they're a company that doesn't advertise. They concentrate on Word-of-Mouth as well as giving away free hot samples of their sweet doughnuts and have been one of the fastest growing companies because of it.
And it reminded me that just before I left I got an awesome surprise from
Sarah Barlow and it was this autographed poster with her amazing pictures in it.

Now I know most of you think that I love the BarlowGirls because they're the hottest band out there, and that's true, but I also really respect the business that they run and how they've taken advantage of the power of sharing to promote the most powerful type of marketing - Word-of-Mouth. Here's a post I just read on the Pictage forum and I get dozens of emails saying the same thing and it's so fun to hear that others think they rock as much as I do so if you became a BarlowGirl fan, or any of the other artists on my site, after hearing them on my slideshows send me an email and let me know!

So when I turned on the TV I didn't know I was gonna get a lesson on Word-of-Mouth marketing but it seems the recipe for success is to be
sweet - hot- and to share!:)
I had heard of the Barlowgirls before, but I had never really listened to them. After watching your slideshow I went out and bought their CDs. I think I own like all of their songs now:) LOL
I also recommend seeing them in concert. Whenever I hear a good song I get goose bumps and I think I got goose bumps during all of their songs. They are amazing!!!!!!!
Thank you so much DJ for turning me onto Barlowgirl!! Wow!!
You're welcome. :D They're great aren't they!
i bought their cd cause of our site!
Good work Jim! :D I have a funny story to tell you about Jocelyn's blog.
DJ, you seriously are the greatest!!! It's all about bringing it down to the simple laws of success. Krispy Kreme is no exception. They're soooo goood at what they do. We all could take a few lessons from them. Next time I see you, Krispy Kreme's are on me for sure!
DJ - you got me. I bought 'Another Journal Entry' as a result of YOUR website.
Like the post from the pictage forum I have it playing everywhere and am doing my best to promote them here in the UK.
BTW - I now know what a Krispy Kreme is - again thanks to you and my new favourite Audio Book - 'Creating Cutomer Evangelists' (we don't have Krisy Kreme in the UK either!!)
DJ - you got me. I bought 'Another Journal Entry' as a result of YOUR website.
Like the post from the pictage forum I have it playing everywhere and am doing my best to promote them here in the UK.
BTW - I now know what a Krispy Kreme is - again thanks to you and my new favourite Audio Book - 'Creating Cutomer Evangelists' (we don't have Krisy Kreme in the UK either!!)
Where's the picture of you in your super cool Krispy Kreme t-shirt?
That would certainly elevate you to stud status.
And yes, the BarlowGirls rock... but i knew that BDJ (thats before David Jay)
amber :)
Have to admit, when Jim and Lara showed me your website a while back, I liked "No One Like You" so much I went out and bought the cd. Funny thing is a coulple of weeks later our church's bookstore had a promotional sale on both of their cd's along with a free journal.
email me the story.
talk soon.
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