I'm sorry to all of you who couldn't access OSP yesterday and who were sent the email with the virus in it. I was in LA shooting all day and I'm really happy that my excellent host hopped on it and closed it down so nobody else would be affected. I'm working with them to get it back up and secured to prevent any further attacks.
So now my question is, if you weren't shooting today and you weren't on OSP - what did you do!?! Seriously!
This past week has kinda been a time of "cleansing" for me because I busted my new MacBookPro trying to install Windows on it so it's been in the shop getting fixed ...but it was kind of a weird week and I did all sorts of stuff like cleaning, reading, edited 2 weddings, getting the oil changed and updating my downtown parking permit. Stuff I never would've done if I had my laptop
So the MacBook tragedy was the first thing that went wrong, then OSP got attacked by the Russians and so on my way home this morning I was really excited to drown my worries with a nice hot cup of coffee and some Krispy Kreme doughnuts from the shop that I always stop at b/c it's open 24 hours...

...but just my luck - they were closed. I couldn't believe it! This was almost the final straw for me but I'm a survivor so after a few minutes of feeling sorry for myself, and a brief photoshoot to lift my spirits, I'm back home and ready to rock!
Thanks for everything you guys!
awww i feel for you at least it is over:) Miss ya and all the ospers:) thanks for all you do
Thanks Christina!
p.s. I like Breakfast for dinner too! :)
Looks Like No "HOT NOW!" I feel your pain. I always crave Chick-fil-A on Sunday
I feel you pain. I had the exact same thing happen last year. I was cravin Krispy Kreme at around midnight. Made the effort to get into my car, drive 10 minutes away and go for donuts.
All the way there I'm thinking. This is crazy. But evil part of me is talk too!!
Finally I get there and wait behind 2 other cars. Now the drive in has always been slow but after 20 minutes I was getting pissed off.
Turns out they decided to close at midnight - with 3 cars in the drive. I've never been so pissed in my life.
LOL, DJ that picture of you in front of Krispy Kreme all dejected is just priceless! Glad you can have such a great attitude in such trying times...what were they thinking, closing down like that! HA!
Aww DJ!!!
That pic looks like something from a superhero movie!! LOL!
I'll go eat a Krispey Kreme for you:)
Oh!! David Jay!! I feel so bad for you. It'll get better! I did get a lot of stuff done yesterday though. I moved all the furniture in my living room, vaccummed, cleaned the bathrooms, washed all the laundry (and folded it), went to the grocery store, and took my kids to the spring fair!! Woo hoo! I do miss OSP. :( Russian spies?? You are getting popular!
lol... another one of your mini-canon-on-a-timer-shot-on-someone-elses-car?? niiiice.
I'm doing spring cleaning too this week! gosh it feels good! actually, I have a small box of stuff to send you from it.... :)
that totally stinks! I love Krispy Kreme and was totally bummed when they completed closed down here! No warning, nothing! Gone forever :(
Glad God brought you out of it all!
That picture of you is hilarious ... I've never thought to take a "dejected" photo! LOL!
I'll bet Apple put some "security" feature in it, to prevent installation of anything PC....lol (seriously I don't understand macs, why not just get a PC to put windoze on>?>>)
In Phoenix you can they have krispy kreme's at a lot of convenience stores.... like . Quick Trip. (aka QT)
BTW, QT is a great gas station for those of you who don't have them near you. They are large, well let and clean (even in the bathrooms...lol)
AWW! Poor DJ!!
just come out here and get some KK's!! we have one that we can see from our house!!
Olivia was praying for you last night!:)
Man this sucks, well at least you made backups so well done to you...
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone! :) It's been a really fun week even with the chaos.
I'm glad to see ya'll putting in some good time around the house and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get in touch with my host today b/c of the holiday weekend but I'm doing my best.
...and the reason I want Windows and OSX on one computer is because I do a lot of software testing and live demostrations on the road and having 2 computers packed in my luggage is a drag...but I actually do have a PC laptop and desktop along with my Macs here at home. :)
DJ are you using boot camp or parallels to run your windows programs on your macbook. I have had excellent results with parallels.
when everything seems to go wrong all at once, I know good things are just around the corner. keep it strong and hang in there!
That's awesome Jim - I didn't even know you could do it another way... so do you know the differences?
David, you need to get OSP back up quickly or I'm going to have to check myself into Betty Ford!
Krispy Cremes. Well, I guess I will have to grab Christina and Kay and go try some for breakfast.
At least that Russian virus won't bother our Macs DJ!
No OSP TODAY!!!! I guess that means I should finish some albums, clean and edit a wedding.
DJ, I am going to beat your 2 hour and 7 min editing time:) LOL
Yes, Parallels is free (for the time being) and the $39. but the best difference is you can be running windoze and mac apps at the same time. No need to reboot! It is amazingly awesome! Try it!!!!
That is the best picture ever! haha!! :) Well, okay, maybe second best to my wedding pictures! :)
Don't worry about what's going on...because the series of three is now over. Only good things from here on out! :)
I love that picture! I have known that feeling many many times. You should know better to intall windows on a Mac! JK aren't those Macbooks made to take windows? Well I feel your pain and I hope everything get's back up to normal!
Have a good holiday tomorrow and have some BBQ it will make up for the lack of donuts.
dude, you have some krispy kreme's on your kitchen counter. They're petrified and I'm sure they'll be fine whether you eat them now or 10 years from now LOL
Hey DJ,
All is well my man, hang in there dude. Something you've been praying for is about to manifest. And, judging by the attack it must be big! So, I'm happy for you and I stand in agreement with you my man. I celebrate your victory and new blessing, just promise to share it with us when it manifest. You've got something big coming anyday! Cheers.
I am glad you are doing well the virus hit me hard too. I fout it and won! So have you! good job and we are behind you all the way.
P.S. how do I get my old password back?
THIS IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST PICTURES YOU'VE POSTED... just because of all the story behind it! hahaha
Love your car!
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