Thursday, May 28, 2009


Uhhh...whoaa, originally uploaded by davidjay13.

Definitely time to start adding weight again. I was 190 on the tour
and it's funny because I didn't look much different. My face was fat
but otherwise my body distributes the weight pretty well...but I
should be 175 so I gotta change my diet a bit and lift some weights
because this is way too low.


Jasmine said...

I guess that means no more coffee for breakfast, crackers and cheese for lunch, and crackers and cheese for dinner! ;)

Ava Grace Photography said...

I laughed as I read this! finally someone else who is trying to put weight on! My husband is 6'1" and comes in at a staggering 115lb. Everything we have tried doesn't simply doesn't work. If you have some tips please feel free to send them this way :)

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

A woman saying "whoa" on the scale usually expresses a different emotion. Too funny.

And eat a donut, for pete's sake!

Glenda Conner said...

Ahhhh - you lucky, lucky man!!! ;)

Diane @ said...

I'm loving the floor your scale is on? You need to take a photo of your entire bathroom because it looks ultra cool!

janelle stephanie said...

oh yay!!! i'm glad u realized that! i was actually gonna say something on wednesday-- cuz i kind of felt like u were wasting away-- yep--glad ur gonna put on some weight!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, very cool floor! :)

Nameless and Anonymous said...

when i was pregnant and they told me I had to gain weight I was horrified, but they gave me some yummy (but still healthy)foods to eat more of to get "healthy fats" into my diet.
some of them were...
cashews (and other seeds and nuts)
olive oil and peanut oil

Jasen M. said...

Hey bud.. try adding some protein shakes into your day. They really taste great and they are great for you!

Svetlana Yanova said...

Hey I can always share some of my I wish I was 162...:)

wildflowr said...

Davie- you're worse than a girl!

Ginger Murray said...


Be careful how you gain weight-- don't just eat whatever you want! Do the food pyramid thing. About a year and a half ago I was about 10 lbs under weight(I was really busy during that time, and would just forget to eat, or put off lunch because I was busy working), and my doctor told me I had to be ### within a month, and she wanted me to come back just for a weigh in just to make sure I wasn't losing weight due to some disease, or a medication...She even had my blood tested for thyroid issues too, ha! I go, "No no, I get it! I just need to eat more. No problem." So, I leave, and I'm like, "Sweet! I'll eat whatever I want!!!" Well, yeah, it worked to eat whatever I wanted(which was really fun), but the weight goes to the unwanted places when you eat a bunch of crap! (Duh, right!??:))

Protein shakes are a good option if you are in a hurry, or need a transition into eating 3 good meals a day.

Ginger Murray said...

Holy smokes, Ava Grace! 6'1" and 115!? That's insane!

c r y s t a l said...

Just make your trip to Arkansas. :) We will feed you up right and help you gain a little of your weight back! Nothing like some good soul food from the South!

Daniel J. Watkins said...

You're gonna look like Emile Hirsch did as Chris McCandless, in the final scenes of "Into the Wild." (BTW -- I have some el-bees to give...if you want them...I put an add on Craigslist but no one ever came to pick them up.)

Quirky Christa said...

I don't even know how to react to this post....I'm glad you're trying to gain healthy weight, but you're SUCH a guy. A woman would NEVER post this....LOL :)

Unknown said...

...those of us who have trouble LOSING weight have little sympathy for those who can lose several pounds simply by skipping a single meal.