Friday, May 29, 2009

Wrong direction...

Wrong direction..., originally uploaded by davidjay13.

I guess I didn't eat enough yesterday! I'm gonna eat a big breakfast
right's funny because I didn't eat bfast for years and I
gained weight so maybe I shouldn't eat breakfast...I dunno...


Kristen said...

eating breakfast helps you lose weight:) Try lifting weights!

Love, Deborah said...

try the chocolate mike diet, drink a glass after each meal, that is sure to help! :)

Anonymous said...

Those feet.....

Lain Eubank said...

If you don't eat breakfast, your metabolism is slower all day. Therefore, your body burns less calories during the day.

Try freezing some fruit (strawberries, bananas, blueberries) and blending them with some milk and protein powder and drink that for breakfast the days you lift weights. It will help you build muscle faster.

Catherine Hall Studios said...

DJ - you only weigh 17 more pounds then me, eek! Not looking so good on my end ;)- Catherine Hall

Bobby Earle said...

What the?! I leave for a couple weeks and you start wasting away?! I knew you would miss me, but not that much :P

Anonymous said...

Haha, I had to laugh about the foot comment! :)

Daniel J. Watkins said...

You are above the line on biggest loser this week! Congratulations buddy! And you're like a good 10% smaller than Fong...bonus points!!!