Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Gasping for breath

I can still hardly breath after seeing the pics Jasmine Star took! WOW WOW WOW! Can anybody deny that Jasmine is freaking off the hook good!

CLICK HERE to see others BUT be warned - THEY ARE HOT!


david bornais said...

Hi DJ, "Ca c'est bon !!!!" It' very hot !!!! You're so cute you and Allie :)

David from France

Tammy M. said...


Unknown said...


I don't know you *in person* but I have to say you look SO happy and BLISSFUL!

Uh-MAZING photos!

Rockie Lee said...

Holy Smokes Batman..... my monitor just about melted away !

Great images !

Vick Prizma Productions said...

Yo Dude , can't wait for the Big Day picturess I can't even imagine how they will look OMGGGGGGGGGGG

ALL the best my Freind


Anonymous said...

All I can say is OH MY GOD! HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT! I love how you snuggle into her. It's to die for. I called Bobbi up immediately and told her she's taking pictures of me and my husband like that. SEXUAL CHOCOLATE, WOO HOO!!

Hee hee.

cu4photos said...


kennykimdotcom said...

DJ - after looking at you shirtless I had to repent to God for lusting and wished that i had hairy chest like yours.

Nicholaus Haskins said...

So happy for you man!

c r y s t a l said...

You two brought sexy back! :) hehe!


Edan Ramos said...

Wow....steamy! As they say in France C'est Cool!

Sal from Utah but love France!

Kevin Sturm said...

I'm sitting here in Starbucks and felt a bit embarrassed in case someone looked over my shoulder. Those are great photos!

I'll have to get you to take some of me and Chrystal like that!


Unknown said...

WOAH!!!!. My monitor just melted down.

DJ!!, time for a hair dye man =P

Robin Dini Photography said...

amazing! hot stuff Mr. J

Tonya - RC Media Services said...

I was at the PPA Convention in Tampa this past week. I attended your session and sat in the front row dead center; looking at you and trying to figure out what was different about you. After visiting your blog and reading your bio I understand. Thank you for sharing your passion, gifts and blessings.

Mike Larson said...

Hot Damn!

[ davidbrenot ] said...

Ho la la !!!!!!! c'est chaud ça ....

what a beautiful couple! I wish you a very good year 2008 with you and Allie.

if you a search photographer for your weddind, thinks of me !!!

See you.


Amanda said...

Just gorgeous. I'll be at the ProPs convention in Orlando in February and I can't wait to meet you. It would be even cooler if you could convince Miss Jasmine to come along too. She's such an inspiration to me!! Come on, drag her along! lol

Aimee said...

Believe me, you are not the only one gasping for breath. I can barely catch mine. She captured the bliss perfectly.
I told you once how you blog is so personal, I feel like I get to be part of your life. Being there for Paris, the hummingbird in your house, and now this. I get tears in my eyes as I watch your life unfold through this screen.
You are awesome, DJ.

itsystitch said...

very classic sexy, like an old movie meets hemingway. beautifully done. no hair dye, gray is refined, you wear it well. :)

amy said...

Very Nice!! Much better than the lame image I captured with my iphone from the FREEDUMB seminar at Imaging.

Thanks for the FABULOUS words of wisdom. Many changes on the way for my biz and lots more time with my four children. :)

Rock on DJ!

Ginger Murray said...

I left a comment on Jasmine's blog too... The photos are amazing. The 3 of you worked perfectly together.
No room for Jesus in there, though!!;)

I agree-- no need to dye. But if you decided to, whatev.

haha! I love David-- "Thinks of me!"

Dinea de Photo said...

These are smokin' HOT. I love the little gray, looks sexy. You both look so in love. It is beautiful.

I love Jasmine's eye. She is FANTASTIC. Jasmine and DJ workshop in Seattle???

Patricia Wells said...

Very special, you two are so beautiful.
Jasmine is amazingly gifted and talented.

Megan said...

Didn't you guys go to Westmont?!?!

ha, ha. Seriously though, looks like you guys had an amazing time!! The pictures (everyone's) are out of this world. Must be interesting to be on the other side of the lense.

What a way to start off the new year. Can't wait to hear more about it.

drago said...

great nipples dj.

amber said...

holy hotness! better have that filling your biggest wall immediately ;) sexy and sweet at the same both are just precious!