Friday, March 14, 2008

More survival tips

Gary Fong just posted about how to dig a home so we have a place to live during the recession and so it is important to have shelter and I also wanted to talk about what some things to be careful of in terms of food.

1. Be sure to start by capturing and eating the smaller animals. They are sometimes hard to catch because they are fast so we will want to go out and buy some small animal traps NOW while there are still some left and while we still have some money to buy them with.

2. Catch enough food to eat and then a little extra to use to hunt bigger animals. It is important to catch bigger animals partially for food but also for warmth. Getting a nice fur coat is not a luxury in the wilderness it is a necessity. Use part of the fur for your coat and part for your head b/c that's where most of your heat escapes from. Some of you have a lot of hot air in your head so be sure to keep it in there for survival.

3. Make sure to also get an *extra* fur coat for your best friend. Having your dog warm and comfortable will prove to be a great asset for you as you hunt for more food.

....more tips to come and remember you can never be too prepared.


amynave said...

Oh my gosh. You two are out of control:) I'm laughing so hard right now!

Shawn Kloster said...

Stay tuned for more on the next "Photogrpaher vs, Wild" - 8pm Central on the Discovery Channel. ;)

John Bach said...

That is one of the funniest things I have read in a while! I am going to go out and get little bruiser (our yorkie) a little fur coat now.

jamiedelaine said...

Mmm...I love a good bunny tartar every now and then.


Daniel J. Watkins said...

Hmmm...would a grizzly bear be enough to keep my head warm?

Lindsey Joy said...

Oh my gosh - you are hilarious!

Jasmine said...

i'm sure gary LOVED this post!! :D

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!! I'm inspired to put together a SMALL WILD ANIMAL COOKBOOK FOR DUMMIES just in case doomsday comes...

Liana said...

Haahahahahaaa! Needed a good laugh today! I think that coat and dog would suit you well Deeje!

Daniel J. Watkins said...

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my that a Liana Lehman sighting??????? Wow...I better go shoot (photograph) the blue mooon while I can!

Gary Fong, Author said...

OMG I am laughing so hard. Crispy critters!!!

Michael J Charles said...

If you're unable to trap small animals and can't find fur for your dog let alone food, you can always eat your dog. That is unless your a vegetarian of course.