If you haven't already checked out
the [b] School you definitely have to! Becker's been putting up tons of sweet free videos and I just saw
this one that
Jessica Claire did and it's so freaking funny. You have to watch it! Click play below or watch it on the
[b] School site and watch all the videos there! Jessica better keep doing these! Allie and I are in London right now and we were dying laughing! Allie was laughing because the picture Jess used on the map shows off the "tower" on my head.
*You can watch it full screen by clicking on the little box in the right corner*
Welcome back to London, to the 'it' couple! Have a nice evening, whatever you're up to. How about running some seminars over here soon?!
Haha! Thanks Martin! I'd love to! I'm hoping to come back for a month this summer so let's set it up! I owe some OSP friends a few drinks after not connecting up with them last time I was here so whether or not a seminar happens I'd love to get together with everyone when I'm here for a bit longer.
Rock on!
Wow! Thanks for the info David! That video was great. Now I'm headed over to check out more! Enjoy all those awesome locations you spoiled man you!!! :-D
haha, yea, that was pretty funn. I think JC needs to get herself on E!news! How come nobody comes over to Hawaii with seminars? It's bad enough nobody ships to us =( I guess I'll just have to setup my own =D
Dude...if it weren't for the lovely Sarah Barlow...you wouldn't even know about the middle of the country!!!! LOL
that's pretty bad...
[b]school rocks!
ahaha! Dallie! I love it.
Jessica is too funny. I like when she looks at her trophy like, "This is really pretty great."
d.j I about peed my pants when i saw that about you guys. have some fun for me in London!
That's too funny! Love the new name "Dallie"
Great post. love that slideshow..about slideshows i want to say thanks for showit. to date feb 25th i have booked 23 weddings i have a bride from 2006 i went and took pictures of her baby (first baby by the way) i sent her a slideshowof the shoot and book a wedding from the baby slideshow. How cool is that?
Thanks for shairing.
Ahh - I'm so excited, you have a legion of fans in the UK that would love to attend one of your seminars. You MUST do this. I'm sure you would have no hotel bills as we'd all be happy to put you up!
DJ - you gotta let me know some great spots to hit in London. Cait and I are going there in May! Have a pint for us.
haha this was hilarious... laughed for awhile!
Watch out Brangalina - Here comes Dallie... just don't go bringing any babies back from all your country hopping. I mean, unless you really want to.
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