Our goal with Showit-DVD was to let photographers decide if it would be successful and it's been fascinating to watch it grow and grow and grow and in 9 months to already have 1,877 users and to be shipping 100 disks a week it's super cool to see more and more people realize the FREEDOM that is available to them and the ability that we have to make money without doing any work!
Since we launched we have paid out over $85,000 to photographers just like you. Some photographers make $1000's of dollars from Showit DVD and that makes me really happy.
Of course like any company we have growing pains and we are thankful for all of you have helped us through them!

...and around this time of year EVERYONE is ordering like crazy and we just can't keep the cases in stock. We have really nice cases (as shown by Jessica's stellar pics) compared to other companies and we are looking into even more options for next year. We are rushing in more cases this week and next week to try and keep filling all the Christmas orders but if you are at all hoping to get some disks before Christmas then you need to order like this very second because like in the next couple of days we are gonna have to cut it off and chances are slim we will be able to get enough new cases in to handle all the orders.
Hi DJ!
Wow that's so amazing! I'm really looking forward to ordering some DVD's! Let me know if you want to start something here in South Africa. The wedding industry is huge! I had to let 40 brides know I can't do their weddings in March!
I think there is a huge gap for something like this!
Happy shooting! C
Ay, Sensei Fong has taught you well young grasshopper!
Christine that's awesome! Keep up the awesome work!!!
Yes Fong has certainly been a mentor of mine and I've learned a lot from him as well as a lot from you Dan! Keep rocking!
seriously, having the option to purchase a DVD of the slideshows we've already done has been SO awesome!! Thanks for making our life easier once again!!
The DVDs are awesome DJ. Actually, clients love them, HOWEVER, very few order a DVD.
I am not getting the sales I would like. In fact they are terrible. I would like to know what is the key? Just having them does not produce sales. I have lowered the price 3 times (now at $275.00). Is that still too high? I did not get any bites until I hit that price. Should it be lower.
I love them. The ones that have bought them, love them. I am NOT getting the $1000s or dollars, or anywhere close to that, in sales.
I do the SHowit thing at the reception and have a small sign and a "take me" card to give them instructions to order a DVD...nothing...
Just wondering what everyone else is doing to promote it.
Hey Darrell :)
Good question and a HUGE factor is setting a time limit for how long you'll leave the show online.
I would suggest telling your clients that you can leave the show online for 3 weeks after the wedding and if they'd like to preserve their wedding slideshow they can order it on DVD and if the do that leave it online for them as well.
DJ does it again!
I'm trying to see if this is a worth while investment and am wondering how much it is to purchase a dvd? That way I can see what price I would need to market it for and see how that could effect my overall business. I hope this to be a part of my life soon. -Melissa Marie
Since August 1st, I've made a total of $2,470.00 in profit off of my clients buying DVD's. When I release the slideshow, I send them an email explaining the web based show runs for 2 weeks and then it comes off my server and so in the meantime, they can send the link to all their family and friends while they can while it's "free". I explain that if they would like to have a DVD copy to keep and enjoy for ever they can purchase the DVD for $199. Bada bing bada boom!
What a great idea!
Jessica del Vecchio's work rocks!
She's also the smartest photographer I know!
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