Also, I am super stoked about the "Freedom and Slumber" event in January because I just launched it this afternoon and there is only one spot left! I am honestly flattered b/c I have never launched an event like this before and so I was wondering how it would go.
I had several couples write to me and ask about doing an event where spouses could come and I think that is fantastic!
Hey Dj,
And there were people watching you from Spain/Europe as well. At least one :)
Thanks soooo much for doing one in the future that suits better our schedule. This one was timed to 3AM over here. But it was fun :)
I just couldn't get the chat working. Tried in both Safari and Firefox, upgarded to the newest flash but it just hooked up on joining to the room... That's a shame cause I had a few questions... maybe next time :)
+1 from Europe, it was 4AM here in Lithuania.
It's too bad there was a problem with my internet connection, but I‘m watching the record now :)
Thank you DJ for doing this, you are awesome! Happy holidays to everybody!
Rock on, DJ. Live chat was awesome... I love that my little joke "hottest female photographer friend" made the screenshot. LOL
Hey DJ!
Thanks again for the awesome Q&A, it is always so helpful!
Can't wait for the next one :)
I tell you what...with all the chatting going on, I probably missed 75% of the questions!!! I was soooo tired so my multi-tasking upgrade was not working! :-) Awesome that you posted up the archive on the Freedom Club. Saweet!
yeah dude...
do the spouse thing and my wife and i will fly out from ohio in a heartbeat. that was totally my first thought when i saw the event and the schedule for it!
*starts chanting*
dooooit, dooooit, dooooit, dooooit.....
Wow! So awesome! Spain! Lithuania! So cool!
Thank you very much for doing this, it was great!
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